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Berni's Collection (Furry +18)  

Upload: 14 Apr 2022, 07:32
Last updated: 8-03-2023, 07:11
Created by: Bernise [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.62
Edit Reason: Version updated - 8-03-2023, 07:11 » [Aqxaro]
Berni's Collection (Furry +18)

I want to share my mod that adds canine/feline/equine/dragon penises and sheaths to your sim. They are rigged and work (mostly) with WW animations.

The mod will require WickedWhims and Furry Mod

You can change colors in tattoo slot

About head:

I was a little bored with current heads, so I made my own for diversity ?

-Work with both male/female

-Bone weight has been completly reworked to support muzzle

-You can change muzzle's length and size

-Much more

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  1. Fred
    Fred [Guests]
    11 November 2023 05:42

    does this require the werewolves expansion pack? i have the base game and a few popped up but not all of them