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Male Groin Overlays 2.0 

Upload: 17 Dec 2023, 14:09
Created by: Simdulgence [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Male Groin Overlays 2.0

This is a new groin overlay designed to work with my 2.0 anatomy content, based on the improved appearance of both the 2.0 anatomy and 2.0 default skins.

This overlay is designed for players who aren't using my default skin replacements, allowing for a smoother blend between the penis and other skins (including the default Maxis skin textures and other CC creators' skins). It also adds detail to the skin, so any sims wearing sheer or revealing clothing can match their nude appearance more closely.

The overlay comes in three swatches, each with increasing coverage:
1) Small, covering a small part of the groin and butt
2) Medium, covering more of the groin, butt and legs
3) Large, covering even more of the groin, lower stomach, butt, and legs

The overlay can be found under Body Skin Details, using the Torso Birthmark slot.

NOTE: The groin overlays use the same slot as my optional skin overlays. If you're using one of the optional skin overlays, you shouldn't need to use the groin overlay.

The overlay is currently available to male sims of either frame.

Edited the order of the overlays in CAS to group them next to my new optional skin overlays, which use the same slot (see bolded note above).
Fixed an issue causing thumbnails not to display correctly (which made it harder to identify the overlay in CAS).

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