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Playsim Pin-Up Posters 

Upload: 18 Dec 2023, 03:40
Created by: Simdulgence
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Playsim Pin-Up Posters

These are a set of three decorative posters featuring naughty pin-ups straight from the pages of an adult magazine. The posters come in 9 swatches: three that are all male sims, three that are all female sims, and three that are a mix of images from the male and female swatches, to cater to sims of any sexuality!

The posters cost 15 simoleons and can be found in Decorations -> Paintings & Posters (or by searching for Simdulgence in the catalog).

Add the posters to your /Mods location as you would any CC.

I've uploaded an optional zip containing tray files for most of the sims pictured in the posters. The sims are currently separated into three households: Playsim Models 1 (male), Playsim Models 2 (male) and Playsim Models 3 (female). Unfortunately, I cannot find three of the female models so they are not included, but I will update the zip if I locate them.

Many of the sims use my body hair (linked in the masterpost) , as well as using hairstyles from a variety of DLC packs. If you are missing any of this content the game will automatically replace it. All clothing categories other than "everyday" have been set to nude, so you'll (probably) want to choose outfits before you place them in game.

In case you have trouble finding these sims in your library, they are called "Playsim Models" and are attributed to the gallery name "simdulgencemods".

Added tray files for the sims used in the posters (see installation notes).



Horny (Nympho Trait) 1.0.1 104.14 kB

Horny (Nympho Trait) 1.0.1 NSFW

18 May 2022
3 898

This trait gives your sim a permanently +2 Flirty buff. This broadcaster has several exeptions. In the list below you can see which sims won't get a flirty buff if next to a horny sim.

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