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Kinky Whims 

Upload: 24 Apr 2022, 12:15
Created by: ColonolNutty
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Kinky Whims

This mod is considered obsolete and is contained entirely in Devious Desires. Please uninstall Wicked Pets and install instead Devious Desires.

RequirementWicked WhimsSims 4 Community Library

I do not encourage violence in any way! This mod will simply allow many to lose difficult situations in life.

Requirements for the mod:

  • Sims 4 version (Eco Lifestyle) or HIGHER.
  • Public release of Wicked Whims v157* or v158* (Patreon)
  • If you are using a lower or higher version, performance is not guaranteed, use the old / new versions at your own risk!
  • The Patreon version will NEVER be supported. ColonolNutty doesn't want to support multiple mods.
  • The latest version of S4CL is 1.23 (Download and install sims4communitylib.v1.23 )
  • S4CL is a library that does not conflict with any other mod, 100% guaranteed. And even more so, she does not conflict with Wicked Whims. If you suspect that this is not the case, then make sure that you have installed everything correctly.
  • S4CL  is NOT affiliated with Kinky Whims and is not responsible for Kinky Whims in any way. Please do not report Kinky Whims issues to the S4CL author(s).
  • If you get the error "Module not found 'sims4communitylib'" then you didn't install S4CL correctly.

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I do not encourage violence in any way! This mod will simply allow many to lose difficult situations in life.
I will only briefly describe what this mod does, because the options there are just a wagon and a small cart!

  • Kidnapping will become available to you, your character will be able to report the kidnapper to the police. There are a lot of options and a lot of possibilities. I think you can play and figure it out.
  • A kidnapping may be planned to ransom or sell your character on the black market.
  • Bad areas will become available to you, in which a robbery, kidnapping or rape of your character can occur. So do not walk at night! By the way, your character can fight off the rapist and escape, and then report him to the police. Witnesses can do the same.
  • Available dominance and submission.
  • The mod contains just a bunch of flexible settings!

Romantically Abusive Trait

Romantically Abusive Trait NSFW

13 Apr 2022
13 078

A person like you cannot be romantic. When you are in a relationship, you truly feel that you love your partner with all your heart. However, you have a "funny" way of showing that kind of love.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. c
    chickenwings45 [Guests]
    13 March 2024 00:44

    what does "download my translation" mean? what do i click on?

  2. g
    gigig [Guests]
    20 January 2024 17:47

    Привет, возникла ошибка ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wickedwhims.main.sim_ev_data

  3. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    2 December 2023 15:07

    Всем привет!!!А нельзя ли обновить этот мод для последней версии игры!!!И будет ли когда нибудь обновления!

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      2 December 2023 15:13

      This mod is considered obsolete and is contained entirely in Devious Desires. Please uninstall Kinky Whims and install instead Devious Desires.

      1. Гена Ситников
        Гена Ситников [Users]
        2 December 2023 16:07

        Привет!!!Спасибо что ответили мне да в том то и дело что я хочу Kinky Whims так как Devious Desires и wicked whims не совместимы!!!

        Привет!!!Может вы мне подскажите а кроме этих 2х модов есть моды на изнасилование!

        1. Aqxaro
          Aqxaro [Admin]
          2 December 2023 17:02

          as far as I know, this is all there is

          1. Гена Ситников
            Гена Ситников [Users]
            2 December 2023 17:24

            Привет!!!Ясно спасибо жалко конечно что нету!!!

            1. Гена Ситников
              Гена Ситников [Users]
              2 December 2023 17:37

              Привет!!!Я забыл спросить у вас не знаете есть ли на этом сайте моы на одежду с категории легинсы или носки на трусики и тому подобное я здесь одежду просмотрел но не нашёл что то может вы знаете!!!!

            2. Aqxaro
              Aqxaro [Admin]
              2 December 2023 18:01

              It's all in collections, you just need to look for it. The engine does not allow subcategories to be sorted correctly.

            3. Гена Ситников
              Гена Ситников [Users]
              2 December 2023 18:37

              Привет спасибо

  4. E
    Edxkenway [Users]
    1 February 2023 01:52

    can i use this mod with S4CL v2.3? please help ty