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WW Shrike60 Animations (15/03/2025)  

Upload: 15 Jan 2025, 18:25
Last updated: Today, 11:35
Created by: shrike60 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

I'm making animations for the Sims 4 specializing in BDSM and bondage.  My focus is on making high quality struggling and BDSM sex animations.  This has been an aspiration of mine since Kritical first started making devices years ago.  I've been at this for a while, and I finally have something good enough to share.  It's not perfect, but it's a start.  More to come soon...

Animations List


Location:                                      Animation:

Kritical's Modern Stock               TEASING - On Off Vibe

Kritical's Cage Cross Combo       TEASING - Sleeping  

Kritical's Songbird Cage              TEASING - Sleeping   New

Patreon Exclusives

Kritical's Overlord Metal Stock    TEASING - Vibe Edging  

Kritical's Overlord Metal Stock    TEASING - Sleeping 

Kritical's Posture Table                 TEASING - Sleeping   New

Kritical's Modern Stock                TEASING - Sleeping   New

Kritical's Cage Cross Combo        TEASING - Vibrating  New


Sexuality Modpack 6 MB

Sexuality Modpack NSFW

13 Apr 2022
12 973

Modpack Because when Sims choose their sexuality, they learn more about themselves, becoming confident and aware of their true selves. With this mod will appear.

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