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Lock Gender Preference V3  

Upload: 23 Apr 2022, 12:46
Created by: Vicky Sims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Lock Gender Preference V3

This is to lock EA's gender preference values and also to ask the other's gender preferences. (In the vanilla game, the gender preference of Sims changes when performing romantic interactions.

  • This is a big update for my old Lock Gender Preference.
  • **It should work well with any LGBT mods, Romance mods, or WW. There should be no conflicting mod. It should also work when using alone.
  • It also disables the changing on Gender Preference of every Sims when performing/being performed successful romantic interactions. Gender Preference is now no longer fluctuating.

Requires the XML Injector

How to assign your own orientation:
- click on the character
- select the Actions option
- then Lock gender preferences
- assign a gender preference

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