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wild_guy's Female Body Details [29.08.2024] 

Upload: 17 Mar 2022, 16:10
Last updated: 7-09-2024, 20:05
Created by: wild_guy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 7-09-2024, 20:05 » [Aqxaro]

Making mods takes much time and this mod really can't progress without your support, so if you like my work and have the ability to support me then please do it on my Patreon page. You can get early access to new content. Gold and Platinum supporters also get access to exclusive bonus stuff.

This mod allows to give nice and realistic nude look to your female sims.

The stuff marked in red is new or updated and is currently available for early access on Patreon


  • wild_guy FemaleDefaultNudeSkin.package - detailed female default nude skin, Majestic's based remake (thanks to him).
  • wild_guy Nipples.package - different types of female nipples, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailCreaseForehead).
  • wild_guy BreastVeins.package - different types of visible veins on breasts, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailMoleCheekLeft). 
  • wild_guy PubicHairCAS.package - different styles of female pubic hair in 8 WW natural pubic hair colors, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailCreaseMouth).
  • wild_guy PubicHairDynamic.package - independent version of FBD pubic hair made specially for the WickedWhims dynamic pubic hair feature. Contains all hairstyles available in the CAS pubic hair version. Can be used separately or together with CAS version.
  • wild_guy TanlinesBottom.package - different types of female bottom tan lines, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailDimpleRight).
  • wild_guy TanlinesTop.package - different types of female top tan lines, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailDimpleLeft).
  • wild_guy TanlinesFull.package - different types of female one-piece swimsuit tan lines, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailDimpleRight). Not allowed for random.
  • wild_guy Vaginas.package - different types of vagina, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailMoleCheekRight).
  • wild_guy Moles.package - replacement of the default lip mole skin detail with additional items added (since cheek mole slot is used for vaginas) (used slot: SkinDetailMoleLipLeft).
  • wild_guy Butts.package - different types of female butts, avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailMoleLipRight). Not allowed for elders.
  • wild_guy DimplesOfVenus.package - this are dimples above the butt, little sexy thing (thanks to one of my patrons for the suggestion), avaliable in CAS skin details section (used slot: SkinDetailAcne). Not allowed for elders.
  • [Fix] wild_guy EA Mermaid Tails.package - addirional file outside of the FBD folder, EA mermaid tails default replacements that fixes tails don't cover pubic hair (optional).

Copy 'FBD' folder to your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder, that's all.

If you have Island Living, copy [Fix] wild_guy EA Mermaid Tails.package to your Mods folder. You don't need to use any other such fix like Anto's one.

You should have only one default female skin installed so don't use or remove any other if you want to use mine.
You can use only body details with some other skin but I can't guarantee that everything will look perfect because they are specially made to match my skin.

Recommended additional mods

Using cmar_NippleTopFemale and cmar_NudeBottomFemale default body replacements taken from Cmar's anatomy mod will give you the best look of this details. The positioning of the nipples has been made to match Cmar's mesh, besides that this mesh does not distort the textures of the nipples. You will see those body replacements in CAS automatically once they has been installed and you have to set WickedWhims body selector to "Native / Override" to use them in the game.

How to get naked sims in CAS
Since version WickedWhims provides getting naked sims in CAS but I would recommend to use Cmar's default body replacements mentioned above.

Note: if your sim still have some CC clothes dressed after removing whole outfit, this is the issue of that CC and it can be fixed.

How to change used slot for CAS parts

Sometimes there is a necessity to change used slot for custom CAS part because different custom content such as custom skin for example might use the same slot as some part of this mod and due to that they both can't be used in the game in the same time.

In this case one can change used slot for any CAS part on their own using Sims 4 Studio. Here is how to change used slot.

I only don't recommend to move vaginas and moles. Since they made as default replacements, moving them to another slot may cause issues.

Additional credits
Sims 4 Studio 

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  1. Гена Ситников
    Гена Ситников [Users]
    26 May 2024 19:17

    Всем привет не подскажите а подайдёт этот модик для этого(((Kritical´s Naughty Collection)))а то тут ЕВА нужно!!!