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Bimbo | Fuckboy  

Upload: 10 Apr 2022, 12:05
Created by: YourFalseHope [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Bimbo | Fuckboy

These traits can be purchased from the Reward Shop for 100 Success Points to avoid taking up the main Major Trait slots. Each feature reflects the stereotypical behavior of some characters, whose thoughts are directed only in one direction. Do you want to dilute the undeniably positive population of your town with not too pleasant personalities? Then this is exactly what you need!

Requires the XML Injector and WickedWhims

Lily 209.19MB


21 May 2022
7 126

New sim download: Lily. Required: The Sims 4 & WickedWhims. DL include: Tray files and CCs total of 8 looks.

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