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My Pets  

Upload: 12 Apr 2022, 06:53
Last updated: 28-04-2023, 14:09
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
My Pets

I love having a bunch of Toddlers in my Household but i also love having a bunch of Pets as well. Unfortunaley i had more & more Issues with the Household Size limit of 8 Sims/Pets. Even with MCC 8+ enabled i had saving Issues etc. So i made this “Tool” a while ago.

I did not want to release this first but i saw more and more people with the same Issues and i thought why not.

What this Mod does:

It let’s you basically have Pets without them being added to your Household.

How this Mod works:

After installing the Mod you need to move your Pets or the Pets you want to “add” as your Pets into another Household. I used a “Dogsitter” Household for that. I recommend to favorite the Household so it does not get culled and maybe stop aging for the Sim via MCC or my No Aging Trait Mod.

Here you have the following Options:

  • My Pets…
    Let’s you choose Pets to become your Pet(s). You can only choose one at a time but there is no limit on how many Pets you have this way. It depends on your PC and how many it can handle ;)
  • My Pets Cancellation…
    Let’s you remove the My Pets Relationship if you want to cancel it
  • Call Pet Home…
    Let’s you manually call a Pet home if it is off Lot (not spawned). I recommend to use the Lot Trait instead so they come home on their own

Adding a Pet as “your Pet” will not add them technically into your Household but you can do almost everything you could do if they would be in your Household.

How to install the Mod:

Download the Zip and extract both Package & ts4script into your Sims 4 Mod Folder. Do not put it deeper than one Subfolder. Mods/LMS is fine. Mods/LMS/Scripts is not fine. Also delete your localthumbcache in your Sims 4 Folder.

Make sure to enable Script Mods in your Game Options under Other. 

Load your Game & move your Pets like i mentioned above.

Add your Pets as “my Pets” via the Option explained above.

I highly recommend to add the My Pets Lot Trait to your Household’s Lot.

What you also need to know:

You cannot use “Selectable Pets” with your Pets if they are not a Part of your Household!

When traveling your Pets are not listed under the Household Filter but under the Pets Filter.

If you visit the Vet you may see your “Dogsitter” coming there as well with another one of your Pets if you have more than one. I just pretend they are there helping me with my sick Pets. If you travel somewhere without your Pets you may see the Dogsitter walking around with your Pet or your Pets running around. The Game “thinks” they are NPCs after all and uses them if there are not with you.

As long as the Spay/Neuter via Vets is bugged ingame i will not add this to the My Pets Mod.

Pets will not give Birth when they are not “at Home”. Best way to let them give Birth is to cancel the My Pets Relationship. Force them to leave the Lot with my Force to leave Mod and after they have giving Birth reactivating the My Pets Options. (Thx SimmerCharlie for the Feedback)

If you want to deinstall the Mod make sure to cancel all My Pets Relationships first!

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