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BG - Ages Behaviour Tweak  

Upload: 13 Apr 2022, 08:45
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
BG - Ages Behaviour Tweak

Requires the XML Injector




Zero_BG_AgesBehaviourTweaks - PersonalVersion



Have you noticed that kids, teens, young adults, and older Sims with autonomy turned on behave pretty much the same? This mod will allow you to diversify autonomous behavior for each age. For example, teenagers will not do the dishes or clean the room on their own. Elderly Sims will stop scrolling through the news feed on their phone all the time and go to read a book. Sims of all ages will choose to do less mindless things like looking at paintings or sculptures. Mermaids can argue about life on land, aliens about intergalactic travel, vampires about drinking blood, and witches about magic.


This is always required, it's only the injector snippet and does nothing alone. The following modules can be used independently from each other but you need at least one


This is the module that affects autonomy more, what it does:

Reduces some obsessive behaviour, but on age basis. Stuff like the use of computer, phone, chess, workout, dancing, playing videogames, trolling the forum, mischief, gardening, singing are tweaked to be globally less likely to happen but also, less likely to happen for the different ages.

For example, while the autonomy for mischief interactions, phone, computer, dancing is kept fairly high for teens and children, as the sim grow older the autonomy will be reduced, at the same time, the autonomy for other things will be increased. Some autonomy is completely blocked for some ages, like children shouldn't spend their time watching paintings. 

This module also alters how strongly the different ages are affected by different moods. In maxis, only teen have increased strength on all emotions. That's kept as it is, but I added the same for other ages:

Children will be relatively happier, more playful, more inspired, more energised bt also... more bored

Teens are left at Maxis

Young Adults will feel the anger, confident, embarrassed, flirty and sad mood more than other ages

Adults have increased strength for the uncomfortable and stressed moods

Elders have increased strength for the uncomfortable, bored and sad moods

This adds no moods, it just means that when in that specific mood, there will be a bonus.


This aims to reduce the autonomous cleaning sims are obsessed with. It doesn't affect slob and neat sims.

This too is tuned on a age basis, so that children should not autonomously decide to clean, Adults will be the more likely to do it. The autonomy is not blocked for teens but they shouldn't be very likely to do it. Autonomy is globally reduced anyway.

Some arguments are restricted to some kind of occults:

Mermaids can argue about living on land

Aliens about intergalactic travel

Vampires about drinking blood

Witches about magic

Some are exclusive of some traits. Some are exclusive between husband and wife.


This globally reduces the autonomy for romantic interactions on age basis. Teens will be the more likely to flirt and mess around autonomously, the autonomy decreases slightly as the sim grows older. Doesn't affect romantic sims.

Weather Affects Mood More 55 KB

Weather Affects Mood More

05 Jun 2022
1 058

Didn't you find it strange that the weather in the Sims world doesn't have a significant effect on Sims' moods? With the exception of local cataclysms, like thunderstorms and snowstorms. But a fine day can please no worse than an unexpected compliment!

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