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Custom Career - Pet Sitter  

Upload: 07 Jul 2023, 11:07
Created by: SimsandWhims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Custom Career - Pet Sitter

A custom, rabbit-hole career for your sims that involves caring for pets

+ Three levels

+ Part-time

+ Enabled for teens-elders (hours of work won't interfere with school!)

+ Requires Cats and Dogs EP

+ Created using Zerbu's Mod Constructor and Sims 4 Studio

+ Make sure script mods are enabled in game or this career will not work

Trendi For Fun

Trendi For Fun

25 Jul 2023

In theory, this mod makes it so that outfits you sell via Trendi are not actually given to the sims who buy them, and thus, they can never wear them. Meaning you won't ruin your sims or save file by assigning random extravagant outfits to other sims.

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