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Psychotherapy Mod  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 16:03
Created by: simularity [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Psychotherapy Mod

I was originally going to add social interactions to my mental illness traits that would help with their negative buffs but that didn’t work out too well and gave me no shortage of problems. It soon became apparent that if I didn’t stop the madness of trying to figure out the impossible soon, I’d need professional help! That’s when it dawned on me, my Sims are the ones who need professional help! So, I came up with this mod so that all Sims can get the psychotherapy they need to deal with their problems both big and small, long-term and short-term, illness related and situation related. Although I created this mod with my mental illness traits in mind, this mod does not require them. Any Sim can seek psychotherapy and receive one of five random buffs for completing it. Depending on which of the five buffs your Sim receives, there is a varying chance that their negative buffs will be removed regardless of what caused the buffs. The buffs will, of course, return eventually but that’s why psychiatrists are rich…. I mean, they’ll have to schedule another psychotherapy appointment. Each appointment costs §250 and your Sim will disappear after making the appointment call (rabbithole interaction as it’s called).

Here are some of the buffs you can expect with this mod when your Sim returns from psychotherapy:

That Was Difficult (Sad +2) – That was a rough and very intense session but your Sim did make progress and was able to work through some of their issues with their psychiatrist.

Mad At the World (Angry +2) – Why did this have to happen to them?! Your Sim has made peace with nothing and is furious with everyone. They have made no progress.

Emotionally Drained (Dazed +2) – Your Sim and their therapist worked on so much today that your Sim is an emotionally exhausted empty shell. Now would be a good time for a long nap to recuperate.

Feeling Much Better (Happy +2) – After that positive psychotherapy session, your Sim is feeling much better about themselves and their life’s challenges.

Newfound Focus on Improvement (Focus +2) – After that last psychotherapy session, your Sim has a newfound focus on getting their life in order and improving their situation!

Requires the XML Injector


Bring up your Sim’s cellphone menu and on the Household menu, you’ll see “Schedule Psychotherapy (§250)” somewhere down the menu depending on how many phone mods you have. (See the main post image for a preview of the phone interaction. After chatting on the phone, the Sim will then autonomously walk outside and go to their “rabbit hole” appointment and disappear for 1 up to 2 hours.

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