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Pink Mode UI for The Sims 4 (July 14, 2023)  

Upload: 18 Jul 2023, 11:07
Created by: Dskecht [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Pink Mode UI for The Sims 4 (July 14, 2023)

As its name says, it is a mod that changes the appearance of the interface of The Sims 4, simulating that the "Pink Mode" is activated.

Change Log:

4.5.127 (July 14, 2023):

+ The sims inventory is in pink mode.

+ The information panel is in pink mode.

+ The sims camera interface is in pink mode.

+ The sims family tree interface is in pink mode.

+ The upper left corner is in pink mode.

* Fixed a visual error on the home screen when selecting an item.

If you have a 6-bit color monitor, and still see this error, let me know without fear.

* For appearance reasons, the transparency of the basic CAS interface was removed.

* For appearance reasons, transparency was partially removed in the world manager.

* Fixed a visual shading bug when selecting an object or sims, on the globe/info banner.

* Minor changes for the Patch for Better BuildBuy.

* For appearance reasons, the transparency of the Live Mode / Simulation Mode interface has been removed.

* Fixed a visual error in the bubble of the emotions description.

* Fixed a visual bug in the phone interface.

* Fixed a visual bug in the simulation speed control buttons.

* Fixed a visual bug in the sim info panel, preventing the lifestyle from being read correctly.

* Fixed a visual bug that made it difficult to correctly read a vampire's needs.

* For appearance reasons, the transparency of the top center bar has been removed.

# Slight color adjustments were made in the CAS.

# Slight color adjustments in the world manager.

# Retouched the colors of the Purity / Contamination of a World panel.

# Changed the color of the central bar of the world manager to make it more attractive.

# Removed the multicolor from some icons in the Live Mode interface.

# Slight color tweaks in Buy and Build Mode.

# Rearranged some elements from Modular Mode.

[Please remove the old version to update.]

The mod is divided into 2 versions, one is “Modular” and the other is “Unified”.

You can only install one version.


Modular: This version is divided into folders and each one has interface elements that can be removed at the user's whim, these elements are independent of each other and are not necessary for operation.

[in short it is a customizable version, which you can modify to your liking. An item you don't like can be removed without any problem]

Unified: it is just a mod that concentrates all the content in a single package.

Pink Mode UI 4.5.127 [Unified].zip
Pink Mode UI 4.5.127 [Modular].zip

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The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. S
    Simphiwe [Guests]
    9 December 2023 13:23

    The package is broken. Please fix