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Functional Church Mod 

Upload: 04 Sep 2023, 20:58
Created by: wickedpixxel [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Church Mod

This mod adds functional churches to The Sims 4.

In CAS give your sim the Church Leader trait located in the lifestyle category.

On the base game All In One Power Pc you can operate your church.  Start church service, end church service, and take up the collection.

When you start church service up to 8 church members will spawn.  As they're making their way in start your sermon.  You can use the podium from City Living or a microphone to "Give A Speech", or "Practice Acting".

Church members will sit down and watch you perform from either.

Once service is over you can talk to them, pray for them, ask for more collection.

How To Setup A Church
Search the gallery for FlorwalSims for a pre-built church. The church name is Trinity Church.

Set the church to generic or make it your residential.  You have church from your home.

How To Install
-Unzip file.  Keep all files in the folder.  Place the folder in your Sims 4 Mods Folder.
-Sims 4 game options, mods and script mods need to be enabled.
-Requires the latest version of Sims 4
-If there isn't a zip file, just download all the files below, place them in a folder, then your Sims 4 mods folder.

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