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Ownable Brothels V2  

Upload: 04 Sep 2023, 22:30
Created by: WICKED PIXXEL [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ownable Brothels V2

-Improved Stability
-Works on most computers
-Removed hire prostitutes
-Updated to Recruit Prostitutes
-Collect Payment $2000 Daily
-Invite Recruited Prostitutes

Ownable Brothels Mod adds new dedicated brothels for The Sims 4.  You can purchase a brothel from your home computer, recruit prostitutes, and earn a daily operation rate of $2000.

-Get To Work expansion pack
-Zerbu's venue list  - DOWNLOAD HERE
-Basemental Universal Venue List (Use Only One Venue List) Download Here

Wicked Whims Mod - Download Wicked Whims Here

How To Setup A Brothel
Create a brothel or use the Sleazy Motel build to run the brothel from. Make sure there are plenty of rooms for the prostitutes to work and your own office with a  computer.

Give the lot the Brothel venue type.

Note:  If you do not see this lot venue type appear, try a different venue list.  If that doesn't work give the lot the generic venue type and it should work the same as long as your Sim has the Brothel Keeper CAS Lifestyle Trait.

The venue reverts back to Generic.  This is normal to see the venue type as Generic after purchasing.

In CAS give your Sim the Brothel Keeper Trait located in the lifestyle section.

How To Purchase The Brothel
Using a computer, find the Brothel menu and Purchase Brothel interaction.  This will take you to the retail purchase UI.  Purchase the brothel and transfer money to the business.  Do not use any of the retail UI except sell the business.

How To Run A Brothel
Head over to your office and hire a few prostitutes.  You can hire up to 8 at a time.  Now you're ready to open the brothel.

How To Play With The Wicked Whims
First use the computer interaction Open Brothel from the Brothel menu.  This will spawn the  sex buyers.  Use the Invite Prostitutes to spawn the prostitutes you recruited.

There are a couple of Wicked Whims sex settings that need to be enabled in order to have your prostitutes have sex with the sex buyers.  Click on a double bed, Wicked Menu, settings, sex settings, cheats.  Make sure Always Accept Sex is enabled.  Enable Change Sex Location Anywhere.  Most important, enable Manual NPC Sims Sex.  Now you can control your prostitutes to have sex with the sex buyers.

You can have multiple NPC sex situations happening at the same time, keeping all your prostitutes busy in the brothel.

Make sure you have plenty of sex animations to keep sex buyers entertained with options.

Recruit prostitutes through the social menu, friendly pie menu.  This will give them a hidden trait.  You can recruit up to 4 prostitutes.  Currently no interaction to remove them.  Coming soon.

There's a chance the Sim you're trying to recruit will reject the recruitment.

Brothel Menu - Purchase, Open, Close, Invite Prostitutes.  Open Brothel will spawn 4 Sex buyers.  Close Brothel will force all Sims to leave the lot, even prostitutes.  Collect Payment every 24 hours

Etheria's Romance Overhaul 3.8 1 MB

Etheria's Romance Overhaul 3.8

24 Mar 2022
1 614

The Sims is a game we know and love for its ability to engross us in making lives of our own full choosing and control, but let's face it: for many of us, it doesn't really feel real in certain aspects of the vanilla game.

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  1. Игнат
    Игнат [Guests]
    26 February 2024 22:19

    не активно.говорит нет подходящего участка

    1. GTR
      GTR [Guests]
      13 May 2024 13:04

      Разобрался как купить?

  2. Urban Destroyer
    Urban Destroyer [Users]
    8 December 2023 06:51

    This doesn't seem to be working correctly. The sims show up to the lot and just hangout essentially like any other venue.

  3. G
    G [Guests]
    15 September 2023 15:01

    Can't recruit Prostitutes without being in the game, Nobody's coming