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Functional Amusement Parks  

Upload: 04 Sep 2023, 23:00
Created by: WICKED PIXXEL [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Amusement Parks

This mod adds the ability to setup an Amusement Park, open to spawn fun seekers, and close the park.

How This Works
Setup your amusement park and give it the Generic venue type.  Make sure there's a room with a desk and computer (all in one power pc).

In CAS give your Sim the Amusement Park Operator trait.

Operate the Amusement Park
From the computer select "Open Amusement Park".  This will spawn 12 Sims to roam around your amusement park.

Close Amusement Park will trigger all Sims except the active sim to leave the lot.

How To Earn Money
From the computer, select "Collect Ticket Booth Sales".  You'll earn money every 24 hours.

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