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Artificial Insemination & Surrogacy v2.93  

Upload: 28 Jun 2023, 08:17
Created by: Lumpinou [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Artificial Insemination & Surrogacy v2.93

The Surrogacy and Artificial Insemination Mod

A mod that offers the possibility for Sims to get artificial inseminations, become surrogate mothers or have another Sim carry a baby for them.

1. Artificial Inseminations

Discussing with partners, if any

If your Sim is in an official relationship, it’s advised to discuss this with them first.
They will either say they’re on board or not (through a choice pop-up window, unless pop-ups are turned off, then the game will decide). Moodlets given depend on pregnancy preference. Acceptance will work for one pregnancy but no more. We agree about one child at a time, don’t you think?

The Artificial Insemination Process, & Consequences

  • To get artificially inseminated, your sim must choose ‘Attempt Artificial Inseination’, under “Pregnancy and Family” and then “Alternative Pregnancy”.
  • Chances of success are 50%.
    If it succeeded, pregnancy starts. If a partner exists and didn’t agree to the process, they will be angry. Partners who agreed will have other reactions.
  • Sims can tell others that they have tried this process, and can tell others when they have failed. Reaction to failure, if the partner is the one told, depend on pregnancy wish.
  • Pregnancy will go on normally. Once of teen age, children can be told about how they were conceived.
  • NOTE: Family tree represents genetic truth. Sim Profile represents actual relationships independently of blood ties.

2. Hiring NPC to carry played Sim’s baby

Discussing with Partners, if Any

Your Sim must have their partner’s agreement to do this, if they have a partner. This because I picture them having to sign something regarding financial responsibility or whatever. Asking triggers a choice pop-up window, unless pop-ups are turned off, then the game will decide. Acceptance will work for one pregnancy but no more. We agree about one child at a time, don’t you think?

Starting the Process

  • Have a Baby through a Surrogate” is available in “Family and Pregnancy” and then “Alternative Pregnancy”.
  • Your Sim will call the Agency of Surrogate Mothers and then can choose amongst the available surrogate mothers.

On Genetics and NPC Surrogate Impregnation Source

  • For the artificial insemination of the surrogate:
    – If your Sim can impregnate, they will father the child.
    – If your Sim cannot impregnate but they have a partner who can, the partner will father the child.
    – If your Sim does not have a partner who can impregnate and cannot impregnate, the lab will pick a sample to get the surrogate’s pregnancy started.
    When there is both an egg donor and sperm donor in the requesting couple, the genetics will be theirs
    NOTE: Family tree represents genetic truth. Sim Profile represents actual relationships independently of blood ties.

During the NPC’s Pregnancy

  • Soon after calling to get the process started, your Sim will get a phone call from the surrogate to introduce themselves.
  • Your Sim can invite the surrogate any time, to feel the baby and hang out in general.
  • Later, your Sim will get another phone call offering to reveal the baby’s birth gender. Your Sim can also ask the surrogate about that anytime when inviting them.
  • If you don’t want to wait the 2 days of the NPC’s pregnancy, you can make them ready to give birth instantly, under “Pregnancy and Family” then “Status” when clicking on the SIm who started the NPC surrogacy process.

The birth, and After

Your Sim will be notified once the surrogate is close to giving birth. From there on, you have two options:

  • Option 1: Invite them over soon so that they give birth on lot: in this case, your Sim will invite the surrogate and then see the option “Ask about Pregnancy Progress (Ready to Give Birth)”. Using that interaction, the surrogate will give birth and join the household for the time of the birth then leave it. This MUST be done on your Sim’s home lot. Once the baby is born, your Sim MUST “Welcome New Baby” (interaction with the baby).
  • Option 2: Wait a day or so longer so that the surrogate gives birth off-screen, then invite them so that they transfer the baby over: if you don’t invite the surrogate before they give birth, no worries, you can still get the baby! Invite them and if when talking to them you see the option “Ask about Pregnancy Progress (Already Gave Birth)”, they’ve already had the baby. Use this interaction to have the surrogate ‘bring over’ the baby. There is no need to do anything else.

Important Notes

NOTE 1: There is a NEW (since the latest update) GAME bug (ie not a mod bug but an EA bug) that causes baby icons to look a different skin tone from the actual baby. This may happen to the babies your Sim gets from surrogates and carries for others. Here’s an EA bug report page about it for example, if you want to read more.

NOTE 2: Deliberately in the mod design, your Sims cannot start an NPC surrogate process if their partner has already started one. Yet the interaction may still appear (bug) as available for them, in which case if you click it, it will do nothing.

Note 3: NPC Surrogate pregnancy is set to last 2 days because it’s less waiting around for the player. The NPC pregnancy will not move for this time. Once the time is over, the NPC will give birth whenever your Sim invites them and asks them about pregnancy progress. This is to avoid conflicts of this module with custom pregnancy durations set by other mods, and to allow your Sim to not lose their chance to have the baby if they’re busy when the pregnancy of the NPC is over. The way I built the mod, there is no risk of that.

2.5. Hiring Playable Sim to carry Active Sim’s baby

(NOT the Recommended Option!! I recommend asking a NPC to carry a baby for a played Sim.)
(This is for ADVANCED USERS)

This is yet another option. Compared to the NPC sim carrying for a Played Sim, there are some differences and limitations, due to the game’s mechanics regarding who can give birth where.The Playable Sim B who will carry for your played Sim A will not be able to give birth on your Sim A’s home lot. They will give birth off screen, or if you play them when they’re giving birth they can give birth on screen in their own home. If they give birth off screen, you won’t be able to name the baby.

– You can play either of the Sims involved (the one who asked for surrogacy in the first place, or the one who is a surrogate for another played Sim) yet I RECOMMEND playing only the Sim who asked another to surrogate until the birth is over.

WARNING: If the playable Sim carrying for your active Sim has multiple offspring, it is likely that they will be ‘stuck’ with the babies that don’t get transfered over if any and having to keep them. Be aware of this possibility before using this “hiring Playable Sim to carry played Sim’s baby” option. If this happens, you can shift + click on the unplanned extra babies and click on the option that doesn’t show text. That cheat will cause the baby to be taken away. Alternatively, you can age them up to toddler, and use the adoption cheat under “Pregnancy and Family” then “Sim Status”.

WARNING 2: There may occur issues with markers not being cleared properly from the Playable sim used as a Surrogate by a Played Sim depending on what happens in game. In which case this would be solved by playing the playable Sim who was used as surrogate and doing “Remove Pregnancy Type and Paternity Markers” under “Pregnancy and Family” then “Status”.

3. Active Sim carrying baby for other Sim

Discussing with Partners, if Any

Your Sim preferably should discuss this process with their partner if they have one. The partner may be favorable or not. Of course, your Sim can go through with it either way. Asking triggers a choice pop-up window, unless pop-ups are turned off, then the game will decide.

Getting Started

Your Sim can decide to “Carry a Baby for Other” (under “Pregnancy and Family” and then “Alternative Pregnancies”), which will lead to a phone call to the Agency of Surrogate Mothers and a visit to the lab for insemination.

During the Played Sim Surrogate Pregnancy

  • Once pregnant, the Sim will have special trimester moodlets to reflect the nature of this pregnancy. Many interactions from this mod usually available at pregnancy will not be, because this is a special pregnancy. Pregnancy wish will be IGNORED and have no effect since this child is not for the Sim carrying it.
  • The Sim can text the baby’s future parents and invite them over so that they can feel the baby.

After Birth & Sending the Baby to its Parents

  • Once the Sim has given birth, the Sim must send the child to its parents, clicking on the child and finding the “Pregnancy and Family” and then “Alternative Pregnancy” menu.

Registering with the Agency of Surrogate Mothers

  • Your Sim can sign up with the Agency so that they will call from time to time asking your Sim to carry a baby for someone else.
  • If you have Mc WooHoo: this module is compatible ONLY if WooHoo Risk in Mc WooHoo is set to default (which is 0).
  • There are no other compatibility concerns.

MC WOOHOO: IF mcWooHoo Risk setting is not on 0%, INcompatible with mod(ule) 2 and 8. If on 0%, all is fine ;)

- If a surrogate doesn't have the option to send away a child because the birth happened while off lot, try the workaround below:

- DO NOT romance or Play NPC surrogates (you can obviously play your played sim surrogate, just not the NPC auto-generated ones). You will find that I blocked most romance options for them, too. Why? Because their pregnancy system is altered for them to be NPC surrogates and they are not to be played!! You might encounter them in the world without knowing that they are a surrogate, but romance being unavailable with them will be a dead tell :) If you want to play with an auto-generated NPC surrogate, you will have to first make them not be a NPC surrogate anymore, you can't have both. To do so, remove the trait 'Trait_IsNPCSurrogate' from them, through my mod under 'actions' or through any mod that removes traits.


- remove everything from previous versions, EXCEPT the setting file if updating from v2.9. (if updating from v2.8, ALSO delete the settings file.)

- grab the RPO Core Library if you don't have it;

- grab the file from this post and put it directly into your mods folder or one subfolder (it's a .package file, so, not extracting!)

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