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Wellness Aspiration Fixes  

Upload: 19 Apr 2022, 07:24
Created by: simvasion [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Wellness Aspiration Fixes

Fixes issues with the Self Care Specialist wellness aspiration that prevent completion of objective goals.


While attempting to complete the Self Care Specialist wellness aspiration, you may encounter issues making progress on some of the objective goals, such as “Hustle”, “Become a Spa Regular” and “Maintain a Regular Customer”.

For Hustle, you need to earn 5000 simoleons from wellness activities such as giving massages, mani-pedis, and leading yoga and meditation classes. There is no counter to indicate whether or not you are making progress. Also, the test tracking this objective seems to count any money you make while tending massage equipment, including selling items from your inventory, and it doesn’t track progress over time – it’s waiting to see if you make 5000 simoleons in one single transaction.

For Become a Spa Regular, you need to visit a spa venue and offer wellness services twenty times, such as giving massages, mani-pedis, and leading yoga and meditation classes. There seems to be an issue where offering massages does not count towards making progress.

For Maintain a Regular Customer, you need to provide wellness services to a repeat customer ten times. There’s a cooldown of 18 hours you need to wait after providing a service before it will count again. There seems to be an issue with the game giving your sims the repeat customer relationship – none of the wellness services you offer will ever start a “repeat customer relationship” between your sim and the customer.

You can read more about these bugs on EA Answers HQ: Unable to complete Hustle goal of Self Care aspiration, Massages not counted toward Self Care aspiration and Unable to complete Regular Customer goal. If you have these issues, be sure to visit the bug threads and click the “me too” button.

This mod completely reimagines the hustle goal, by having it track payments from paid wellness services and displaying progress towards earning 5000 simoleons. It also makes sure that massages count towards the goal of becoming a spa regular wellness practitioner, and allows your sims to build a repeat customer relationship with sims you provide services to.

The Feedist Trait 44.13KB

The Feedist Trait

11 May 2022
3 760

The main feature of this mod is the Feedist trait: a new trait for sims who prefer to be fat and see others grow. The trait is based on the Glutton trait, and shares most of the same features (this is why you can’t take both, it would be redundant).

Inventory Not Shared Updated: 9-09-2023, 14:55

Inventory Not Shared

07 Dec 2022
1 277

This mod includes some adjustments to inventories so they make more sense and to work better with my other mods. It includes some changes to inventory size as well as some edits to give objects their own inventory so they don't share it with other objects on the lot.

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