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Better Computers Mod  

Upload: 27 Apr 2022, 19:41
Created by: BosseladyTV [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Better Computers Mod

With this mod, your Sims will no longer autonomously get on the computer ALL THE TIME!

I know I'm on my computer A LOT. A WHOLE LOT! But I don't want my Sims to be! And I especially don't want the neighbors, Father Winter, or the Grim Reaper to get on the computer EVERY TIME they come to my house!

This mod will make computers BETTER. It's difficult to keep Sims off the computer completely, but with this mod, it will be a rare occurrence!

Kids Trampoline

Kids Trampoline

05 Jul 2022
1 166

Are you missing entertainment for kids and toddlers? Then install this children's trampoline for yourself! It can be used only by children and toddlers, it will satisfy their needs for entertainment, as well as improve their mobility and motor skills.

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