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Functional Toaster  

Upload: 30 Apr 2022, 11:10
Created by: necrodog [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Toaster

Your characters will now have a functional toaster. With it, you can make ten types of toast: avocado, whipped cream and berries, peanut butter and banana, blackberry jam, cream cheese, butter, refried beans, nutella, strawberry jam and hummus.

Height Slider

Height Slider

11 Apr 2022
1 925

This is a height slider based on simmythesim first height slider. Only thing new is that the animation is no longer as funny looking.

ALL - Better Ghosts!

ALL - Better Ghosts!

10 Jul 2022

How is it that ghosts roam freely in the world of the living without any restrictions? Not order. This mod will fix the situation - it will add a special ghostly energy to ghosts!

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