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Romance Matters  

Upload: 24 Mar 2022, 06:47
Created by: deichschaf [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Contains 4 freely combinable mods that enhance romantic relationships.
holdhands - Holding hands with another Sim may now result in surprisingly engaging reactions (first kiss, go steady and proposal by the target Sim, share big news), if your Sims are in the right mood.
confessattraction - Sims will need a lower romance score to successfully confess their feelings to another Sim. They also get the chance to gain an enamored sentiment when doing so.
askifsinglefix - Promised teenage Sims will no longer pretend to be single.
ParenthoodGP - Unlocks the ask for future plans and deep personal conversation interactions during dates and between soulmates (and best friends). Parenthood GP is required.

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