Hybrid Mermaid Stabilization
This is a script mod. The contained .ts4script file must be placed directly in your mods folder or at most 1 folder deep or the game will not load it. While this mod was originally designed to fix issues with mermaids, it is usable without island living. It fixes many annoying bugs and issues with hybrid occults.
A mod born from the frustration of an angry simmer who was enraged at the unplayable state of hybrid mermaids. The fury of watching mermaids swimming in the ground and walking on fins was enough to drive the disgruntled simmer to madness, forcing him to learn how to mod the game so he could remove the grotesque sight from the game.
This mod aims to fix some of the main problems with hybrids to make them actually playable.
Main Hybrid Fixes
- Mermaid hybrids will correctly switch forms when entering the bath or exiting water.
- Hybrids should now be able to switch directly between their occult forms without getting stuck in their current form.
- Hybrids entering the water while in other non-human forms (Alien, Dark Form) should correctly switch to mermaid form by first reverting to human form for a split-second.
- Hybrids exiting the water should correctly return to their walking animations instead of swimming in the land. (Note: Doesn't work if you use a "Teleport" cheat to move your sim out of the water. Reset your sim if you do decide to teleport).
- The game will no longer attempt to corrupt your game by adding non-existent occult types.
- The game will no longer attempt to destroy your sim by deleting their human form.
- The game now forces sims to generate their alternate forms the instant they gain a new occult type. This fixes a game-breaking EA bug that can happen to normal sims even without mods which can render a sim permanently unplayable.