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Functional Handbag  

Upload: 01 Sep 2024, 11:58
Created by: UTOPYA_cc [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Handbag

Hi there! I hope you're all doing well. I'm so excited to share with you the finished version of my latest mod, called "Functional Handbag".

I've put a lot of time and effort into this mod, and I'm really proud of the results. It's my new favorite, although I always say that about my mods when I finish them (lol). But this time, I mean it!

The "Functional Handbag" mod is all about adding new and useful interactions to the game. These interactions will make your sim's everyday life easier and more fun.

The bag itself is fully animated. Everything about it, from the zipper to the button pin, has its own custom animation and sound. It's really cool!

Now, let's talk about the interactions. You've probably seen some of them in the preview videos. One of the most exciting features is the "Get Ready" interaction. With this interaction, your sims can use mirrors to apply makeup and get ready to go out.

I want to clarify something. The "Get Ready" interaction doesn't make your sims wear any makeup in-game. You can do that at the vanity, which, to be honest, I don't really like. The in-game makeup looks terrible. So, I decided not to add custom makeup to the interaction. Instead, I focused on enhancing the gameplay and making the interactions more immersive.

The "Get Ready" interaction can be played on all types of mirrors in the game. It includes various makeup animations that may play randomly during the interaction. Each animation has its own animated object that your sim will pull directly from their handbag.

I hope you'll enjoy using the "Functional Handbag" mod in your gameplay. It's a fun and useful addition to the game that I'm really proud of. Let me know what you think!

To see the interactions, your sims should have a Designer bag in their inventory. Then, you will find a new pie menu in all the mirrors: Get Ready.

Each interaction will help your gameplay differently, depending on what you plan for your sim to do, and will have different outcomes.

Sims around you will also be affected, like your romantic partner may feel flirty, and others may receive a happy or confident buff and may be fascinated by how well-maintained your sim is.

As in real life, getting ready will take some time, around 40 to 50 sim minutes. But the outcome will be rewarding for your sim and others around them.

  • Getting ready for a date will give you a +2 flirty buff for 5 hours; the interactions will help your sims have a successful date or even help single sims have a successful romantic encounter.

    While the buff is still active, it will allow your sim to Build a romantic relationship faster than usual,

  • Getting ready for an event will give you a +2 Confidence buff for 5 hours. This interaction will help your sims to have successful encounters with other sims.

    While the buff is still active, it will allow your sim to Build a Friendship relationship faster than usual,

  • Getting ready for your day will give you a +2 Happy buff for 5 hours. This is more of an everyday interaction; it won't help in building friendships or romantic relations,

    but it will help with negative emotions. Negative Buffs won't affect your sims that much, and some of them will decay way faster,

    It's quicker to apply. Your sim will be done getting ready much faster than the others.

While the "Get ready for date and event" are great for building relationships, "Get ready for the day" Will work great to build skills or tasks or just random chores in general.

"How do I look?" Interactions:

New romantic interactions will be available after getting ready. How do I look? It will only be available for sims that have more than 60 in romance.

I added this feature much later, so I didn't have much time to create a new animation for it, so I just used some in-game ones. I think that I have mixed two or three animations together to achieve the question, the compliments, and the reactions afterward.

This interaction may be played autonomously; it has some cute comments and flirty emotions for both the target and the actor.

Maintain Appearance:

There will be a "Maintain appearance" interaction after using the get-ready one. This one will be available directly in your bag, and your sim will only use the hand mirror instead of the big mirror, so it can be used anywhere you want. But you can't choose what occasion with it,

it will carry what you already Have Chosen with the mirror, and it will not be available unless you have used the get ready on the mirror one.

This one works as maintaining the makeup. Or a quick refresh: it has its own outcomes, and they will also carry the same benefits as the original ones, so it can help to extend the Buffs if youre sims haven't finished their date yet or the event isn't over,

so, if the buff runs out and you still want the same benefits, this interaction will come in handy since it's way quicker than the big ones.

Inside The Bag Interactions:
As I said in the beginning, this is a gameplay mod that will serve to help out youre sim in their everyday life while keeping it realistic enough to be more immersive and fun to use,

First off, there is a whole new pie menu Called "Inside the Bag" on the designer bag itself in your sim inventory.

It will have a lot of new interactions That will help significantly with your sim needs, but their uses are limited by time, so you cannot spam them. They will be missing after using them and will be available again after their buffs have run out,

Those are gameplay interactions that will help youre sim on their daily basis. Each new interaction will help to fill different needs.

All the interactions have Their own animations with their animated object and their own custom sounds,

  • Eat a snack, youre sim will eat a Protein bar/snack bar that will fill some of your hunger and will give your sim a happy buff.

It will also make your hunger need decay a little bit slower.

Chew Gum: Your sim will take a refreshed gum that will increase your oral hygiene (This is a hidden need that can be filled by brushing your teeth). It will also fill a little bit of your sim's General hygiene with some fun.

The interaction will give youre sim a confident buff and give other sims around you a positive buff.

It will also make your Fun need decay a little bit slower.

Drink water. It will fill your thirst (This is also a hidden need that can be filled by drinking water from the sink). It will give you an energetic buff and increase your energy needs a bit. So it can work great in a gym or while working out.

It will also give youre sim a confident buff and give other sims around you a positive buff;

Hand sanitizer will also fill a hidden need for Hand hygiene (That can be filled by washing your hands at the sink). and It will increase your general hygiene and give you a happy buff.

Those interactions could come in handy in certain situations, like sometimes when you take youre sims out and forget to fill all their needs. Those interactions could truly help with that and let you play with what you wanted them to do, but they aren't that overpowered, so it doesn't feel like cheating!

  • The gum and the perfume are great for socialization since they give positive Buffs to the sims around them and can help your sims to have successful interactions!

  • All of the "Inside The Bag" interactions are limited to use by time. To do them again, you must wait until their buff has run out. so for some of them, it would be better To save them until you need them,

  • Maintain appearance interaction won't be available until you have played the get-ready one.

  • You should have the bag on youre sims inventory for most interactions of this mod.

  • If you are wearing a bag and played the get-ready interactions on the mirror, youre sim will automatically use it to apply the makeup.

  • If you have a lot of bags in your sim inventory and have played the get-ready interaction in the mirror, your sim will use the one that you are wearing. If they aren't wearing any one of them, they will choose one randomly.

This mod is BG-compatible.

Requirement :

This mod needs the XML injector by Scumbumbo. You can download it here:

And, of course, the latest Update of The Passionate Gift Mod For the bag

How to install :

Just put both my mods and the XML injector script into your Sims 4 Mods folder.

Frankenstein mad scientist desk set

Frankenstein mad scientist desk set

19 Mar 2022
3 411

This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Expansion pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below the description for more information.

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