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Ultimate Stan Aspiration & Interaction Send Email To Celebrity  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 14:55
Last updated: 27-07-2023, 11:44
Created by: ilkavelle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ultimate Stan Aspiration & Interaction Send Email To Celebrity

New mod aspiration for Sims that simply want to get autographs and hang out with celebrities, but not necessarily be one. 

Get Famous expansion focus mostly on becoming a Star, which is great. But there is also the other aspect, the one focusing on fans :) Fans have few interactions to perform with celebrities such as asking for autograph or selfies. And this is the aspect that I wanted to work on with my aspiration. But be careful, as this may end up as obsession ;)


1) Starlight Boulevard Visitor

* Visit a Celebrity Hot Spot

* View Celebrity Tile 3 Times

* Get Your First Autograph

* Share Excitement About Celebrity 3 Times

2) Autographs Collector

* Ask Diffrent Celebrities for a Hug 5 Times

* Ask For a Selfie With Diffrent Celebrities 5 Times

* Try to Introduce Yourself to Celebrity 3 Times

* Get 10 Autographs

3) Devoted Fan

* Watch Award Ceremony

* Be Friend With Celebrity

* Get 20 Autographs

4) Between Fandom and Obsession

* Convince a Bouncer to Let You In 2 Times

* Perform Romantic Interactions With Celebrity 5 Times

* Swipe An Item From Celebrity Home 10 Times

* Send Email to Celebrity 15 Times

Reward Trait

There are now 2 possible endings in this aspiration (completely random):

1) Celebrities Friend

Celebrities Friends are always successful when introducing to celebrity.

2) Weirdo

Weirdos are never successful when introducing to celebrity and additionally cause tense buff to other Sims nearby.

New Interaction

Together with new aspiration goes also new interaction that is required to complete the objective: Send Email to Celebrity. This interaction is available via computer under Social category and will have various outcomes with diffrent Buffs. Sim can be simply ignored but can also get reply.


English and Polish

French added thanks to Kimiko Soma

Russian added by Annie Hugss 

Chinese added by MuMu

Italian (by SimsPhoria)

Portuguese (by qlaqercoixsa)

Dutch (by GothiqeSimmer)

Spanish (by Nerea Lasa)

Friendzone Mod V1.2

Friendzone Mod V1.2

11 Jul 2022
1 445

Sometimes it gets so annoying when your characters, without your knowledge, contrary to your ideas, begin to flirt with each other not according to plan.

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