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Perfectly Balanced Aspiration  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 15:11
Last updated: 27-07-2023, 12:00
Created by: ilkavelle [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Perfectly Balanced Aspiration

This Sims 4 custom aspiration is perfect for any Sim aiming at healthy and balanced lifestyle. Your Sim can now reach Inner Balance through the proper nutrition, exercising and other wellness practices. Start changing the lifestyle of your Sims today!  :) 

Requires The Sims 4 Base Game and Spa Day Game Pack! 

With a time I decided to leave only 1 version of this aspiration mod:


1. Health Enthusiast * Do wellness activities 10 Times * Light Incense 5 Times * Take Yoga Classes 3 Times * Prepare Salad 3 Times

2. Yoga Addict * Own Yoga Mat * Complete Yoga Routine 5 Times * Achieve Level 4 Fitness Skill

3. Well-being Explorer * Spend 5 Hours Jogging

* Meditate 10 Times * Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 30 Times

4. Perflectly Balanced * Achieve Level 10 Wellness Skill * Give Tips About Healthy Lifestyle to 15 Sims * Give Massage 5 Times * Complete Yoga Routine 15 Times

You can complete Yoga Routine anywhere using your own mat, or taking class with instructor. The mod is also adjusted for Vampires: eating Plasma Fruits will complete the task of eating fruits and vegetables. However please report to me if you don't have Vampires Game Pack and the entire task is not working for you (I couldn't test it properly with last changes in the game).

Reward Trait: Inner Balance: This trait unlocks 3 new interactions:

Cool down: you can now remove all moodlets of the Sim you talk to (only environment moodlets will stay, but these are gone when Sim leaves the particular environment, e.g. dirty room). This interaction is available via Friendly category. Help to find Zen: it gives to the other Sim focused moodlet. This interaction is available via Friendly category. Take a breath and cool down: it removes all your Sim moodlets (again, apart from environment moodlets)

English and Polish
German (thanks to Devilath)
Chinese (thanks to Konansock)
Spanish (thanks to leo3487)
Italian (thanks to E?man?)
Portuguese (thanks to morguesable)

French (thanks to Kimiko Soma)

Russian added by Annie Hugss

Dutch (by Kimberley)

Vampire Servants 93 KB

Vampire Servants

09 Apr 2022
2 171

With this mod, your vampire will be able to get himself a servant from among the people. As the bond grows stronger, the servant and master will be able to feel each other's emotions and presence. Having also strengthened the connection to the end, the servant will stop aging.

Realistic Lifespans

Realistic Lifespans

07 Jun 2022
1 150

The lifespans in The Sims 4 are not realistically balanced. Your Sims do not have enough time to go to university, enjoy young adulthood, date, get married, raise a family, and finally become an empty nester and enjoy their retirement.

Necromania Reward Trait 25 КB

Necromania Reward Trait

06 May 2022
1 190

This reward trait replaces the various sad buffs generated by deaths with positive emotion buffs. It also adds a happy buff whenever your sim is near the Grim Reaper. This trait can be purchased from the rewards store for 2000 aspiration points.

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