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Paranormal Trait  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 16:17
Created by: simularity [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Paranormal Trait

This trait has been in the works for what seems like forever but I finally have it finished! Now you can have proper ghost hunting Sims who actually find it fun to do ghost stuff and never get scared at it without having to wait forever and a day to buy the Brave Trait! 

Here are the features currently included in this trait mod:

  • For Young Adult to Elder
  • Learns the Medium Skill faster than other Sims
  • Has improved performance gain in the Paranormal Investigator Career
  • Finds it Fun to conduct a Seance and communicate with specters
  • Special buffs have already been programed into my Graveyard Lot Trait for this trait!
  • Plus, more to discover!

Here are some of the mood buffs you can expect with this trait mod:

This is What I Live For (Confident +2) – The Paranormal is in your Sim’s blood and they live for the chance to communicate with the dead whom haunt the living! 

In My Element (Energized +2) – Your Sim is in their element while in this haunted house. The paranormal is what they live for.

What Seance You? (Confident +2) – What better thing is there to do at a family table than to join hands and try to communicate with the dead? Your Sim sure cannot think of anything better to do!

Life Is Too Normal (Bored +4) – Life is so boring without the paranormal and your Sim can barely stand it! They need to commune with some ghosts or something paranormal soon!

Daytime Dulls (Bored +1/4hrs) – The daytime hours can be so boring for those who love the paranormal life like your Sim.

No Disappearing Relatives in Family Tree 1 KB

No Disappearing Relatives in Family Tree

02 Apr 2022
2 835

This mod will stop disappearing of dead relatives from your family trees. You will also not get messages that ghosts are getting weaker. I was testing this mod for two weeks now and everything works as intended. Let me know if something is not working for you.

Ask Gender Preference

Ask Gender Preference

11 Jul 2022
1 118

Have you ever wanted to know in advance the sexual orientation of your character's interlocutor without dancing with a tambourine, cheat commands or debugging? With this mod, your character will be able to ask directly and get all the information they need.

TODDLER Traits Bundle 42 Kb

TODDLER Traits Bundle

09 May 2022
1 442

Do you like realism and adore different fashions related to babies? Then you will definitely like these character traits. With them, you will be able to experience the difficulties in raising your kids as much as possible.

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