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NPCC 1.3.8b / NPC Control Mod (11.09.2023)  

Upload: 20 Mar 2022, 15:46
Last updated: 13-09-2023, 16:00
Created by: paulson [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Version updated - 13-09-2023, 16:00 » [Aqxaro]
NPCC 1.3.8b / NPC Control Mod (11.09.2023)

NPC Control Mod for Sims 4
The main task of the mod is to prevent generation of a new NPC, forcing the game for various roles and careers (maid, postman, etc.) to use existing Sims. The mod settings allow you to adjust the number of NPCs in cities and jungles, manage the number of homeless and sick pets, disable the generation of vampires and aliens, sad clown and bears, and so on. Work on the mod continues, in future versions will add new features and settings.

Fixed several issues and LEs.

Added some logging. When sim is repurposed or created by this mod it should be logged to npcc.log file that is created in the mod's folder. Please note, that not all sims creation pass through this mod, like premade EA sims, or MCCC can add households to the game etc. 

NPCC Retail was reworked and now is a part of NPCC. It is a set of fixes, changes to game mechanics and settings that allow you to adjust Retail gameplay. It is disabled by default. Enable it in Settings if you want to use these options. If you used old version of NPCC Retail mod, please remove it from the Mods folder.

If you have any issues, please follow these steps:

Try to run the game with this mod alone, without other mods. 

1) If an issue persists:

  • If lastexception.txt is generated in The Sims 4 folder, please provide this file or it's content.
  • If an issue is particular savegame related, please provide your savegame file.
  • If an issue is lot/action/etc related, plese provide lot/action/etc info to reproduce an issue
  • If an issue is sim creation/repurpose related, please provide npcc.log file located in the mod's folder

Please provide your files by uploading to google drive or analog and sending me the link

2) If not, it is a mods conflict. In that case you need to determine what other mod exactly causing the conflict and provide it's name and version as well as all additional info like lastexception.txt if any, savegame, lot/action/etc info

Mod should be compatible with the latest game update 15/02/2022 - PC: / Mac:

Added settings list:

  • Retail Settings - settings to control Retail

- Enable Retail - If Enabled Retail Settings will take effect otherwise not. Restart the game to apply new setting

- Employee:

  • DisableRestock - Disable Restock
  • DisableClean - Disable cleaning
  • DisableSocialize - Disable socialize with customers
  • Work Time Min / Work Time Max - The employee's working time in simminutes. Chosen randomly between these two values
  • State Timeout Min / State Timeout Max - Duration of the employee's state (serve customers, restock, clean up, socialize with customers) in the simminutes. Chosen randomly between these two values
  • Slack Timeout Min / Slack Timeout Max - Time in simminutes, during which the employee will be slacking off. Chosen randomly between these two values

- Customers:

  • Maximum Customers - Set the maximum number of customers in the store
  • Disable Child Customers - Disable child customers
  • Wait To Purchase Decay Rate - Parameter determines how quickly the customers will lose patience while waiting for service. 1 - the standard settings of the game, 0 - the customer waits to be serviced forever
  • Continue Shopping After Purchase - Continue shopping after purchase
  • Wealthy: Buyers of expensive goods worth 800§-3200§

-Wealthy Browse Time Min / Wealthy Browse Time Max - Duration of browsing the goods before buying in simminutes

-Wealthy Shop Time Min / Wealthy Shop Time Max - Time in simminutes that the customer can spend in the store before he leaves

-Wealthy Initial Purchase Intent Min / Wealthy Initial Purchase Intent Max - The probability of making a purchase in percents

  • MidRange: - Mid-price buyers worth 200§-800§

-MidRange Browse Time Min / Mid Range Browse Time Max - Duration of browsing the goods before buying in simminutes

-MidRange Shop Time Min / MidRange Shop Time Max - Time in simminutes that the customer can spend in the store before he leaves

-MidRange Initial Purchase Intent Min / MidRange Initial Purchase Intent Min - The probability of making a purchase in percents

  • Bargain: - Buyers of inexpensive goods worth 0§-200§

-Bargain Browse Time Min / Bargain Browse Time Max - Duration of browsing the goods before buying in simminutes

-Bargain Shop Time Min / Bargain Shop Time Max - Time in simminutes that the customer can spend in the store before he leaves

-Bargain Initial Purchase Intent Min / Bargain Initial Purchase Intent Max - The probability of making a purchase in percents

  • Loiterer: - Visitors who usually do not buy anything

- Loiterer Browse Time Min / Loiterer Browse Time Max - Duration of browsing the goods before buying in simminutes

- Loiterer Shop Time Min / Loiterer Shop Time Max - Time in simminutes that the customer can spend in the store before he leaves

- Loiterer Initial Purchase Intent Min / Loiterer Initial Purchase Intent Max - The probability of making a purchase in percents

Bar Drinker Trait 22 KB

Bar Drinker Trait

13 Jun 2022
1 142

What can cheer up drinkers? "Alcohol!" - you will say without a doubt. But not everything is so simple. For some, visiting a bar is just a way to unwind after a hard day at work, or meet up with friends to have some fun.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. J
    Jonny Raven [Guests]
    21 February 2024 05:36

    Sulani Beach Lots Broken With This Mod. Exception raised due to a required spawning of a merfolk (mermaid) bouncer, possibly the beach lifeguard, that is being blocked/flagged from NPC Control 1.3.8, 1.3.8a, 1.3.8b

  2. B
    Borgaloo [Users]
    14 September 2023 04:05

    He's back huh? I guess the creator ran out of patreon money.