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Prefer Tables When Eating Mod  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 17:23
Last updated: 19-03-2023, 14:44
Created by: simularity [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Prefer Tables When Eating Mod

This mod does just what it says, it makes Sims autonomously choose to sit at dining tables when eating rather than standing or choosing odd places like desks and sofas (said as a person who usually eats at her desk or on the sofa in front of the TV; do I even have a dining table IRL??). Anyway, this mod used to be a part of a larger mod that made Sims eat faster but since Maxis made Sims eat faster than they used to, that “eat faster” mod is no longer needed; only this “prefer tables” mod is still needed. So, here it is!


Also included in the zip file containing the “prefer tables” mod is another mod that keeps Sims sitting down at the table after they eat. This mod is completely OPTIONAL. It was a requested mod. They will stay seated at the table until you tell them to do something else or they finally decide to do something autonomously after several minutes (if you have autonomy set to be on). You’ll need to tell them to wash dishes though. Feel free to delete or keep the “don’t get up” mod that’s included with this main “prefer tables” mod. 


Please delete my old “eat faster” and “prefer tables only” mods. Only use this mod for preferring tables from now on. Thank you. 

Mood Overlays 32.2 kB

Mood Overlays

30 Jun 2022

After you set it up correctly, it will change the appearance of your sims depending on their mood. For example, you can add blushing to the flirty or embarrassed moods, tears to the sad mood, or even automatically put on a sleeping mask while your sims are asleep.

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