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"Keep Quiet" Lot Challenge - Less Social Sims  

Upload: 03 Feb 2025, 12:42
Created by: Waffle's Mix-Ins [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
"Keep Quiet" Lot Challenge - Less Social Sims

A lot challenge that makes Sims much less interested in socializing. However, note that other lot traits may encourage social interaction, so this challenge won't completely eliminate it, just make it less significant.

As a result, Sims on this lot will focus on other activities, such as using the gym equipment, dancing, watching TV, reading in the library, or using the computer lab. You can still start conversations, but other Sims won't stand around talking for hours instead of using the lot for its intended purpose.

Have you ever seen so many Sims swimming at a pool?

Clubs are more likely to socialize than other Sims if their rules allow for it. If your game has a lot of clubs, the lots will be filled with groups of friends socializing together, instead of individual Sims visiting the lots on their own and talking to strangers. Therefore, I recommend using this challenge in a save with many clubs set up.

In my experience, when I installed this challenge, most Sims didn't have conversations except for clubs, which was exactly what I wanted. It also seems to draw Sims to the lot, rather than around it. The default behavior means that Sims hanging out outside tend to cluster and chat rather than engaging with the lot objects because chatting is easier for them, since it's right in front of them, and the items are further inside. When they don't want to chat, they go inside.

As usual, I don't like making Flavors anymore. If you want Sims to converse more with this lot trait, open the package in Sims 4 Studio. Find the Buff tuning and change the "0.4" values to something higher. 1 is the default game behavior, so don't move it up too high or the lot trait won't do anything.

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