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Visible Maxis Hidden Needs  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 18:33
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Visible Maxis Hidden Needs

There are two things that players complain about the most in The Sims: drinking water all the time and washing their hands all the time. In fact, these two things are controlled by two hidden needs that all characters have: thirst and hand hygiene.

And when their hands feel dirty, and it will probably help you understand why they wash hands and drink so often. It's a nice little touch of realism Maxis put in game from the beginning (and I have reason to think thirst specifically was supposed to be an actual need along with hunger) and everyone hates.


Visible Hygiene Oral... yup, they have this too but it's not always on, the need is given when sims brush teeth and removed when it gets to minimum.


Since I'm enjoying taking care of more needs...

Oral Hygiene PLUS

Made Oral Hygiene stick... once the sim gets the commodity, it will not be removed on convergence but it will  stay as a need. You still need to start it by brushing teeth once.

The convergence value is changed from 0 to -100

At -75 the sims will feel uncomfortable from low oral hygiene

Enabled autonomy. They can only brush teeth autonomously if the commodity is less than -50. The autonomy needs the xml injector.

Added: a package that turns the confident buff from brushing teeth into a regular +1 happy.

ADDED: More depth to Oral Hygiene in the PLUS version!

Your sims can now experience the joy of caries!

Having a bad Oral Hygiene has now the chance of giving caries. It starts with pain only when eating, ignore the problem and it will turn into pain that lasts after eating for some time and will end in a constant pain. This is one of the strongest pains your sim can experience (+10 uncomfortable) and will not go away.

You can try and solve the problem by brushing teeth, but the only solution that will 100% work is visiting the Dentist (under household, when experiencing the symptoms), and it will cost a fuckload of money (525) and time. Caries is especially dangerous for Vampires, as it will block their ability to drink blood.

Blacklisted: slob sims from autonomously washing teeth, they also don't get the buff but they can still get the caries.


- Thirst decays faster (should be faster than hunger)

- Thirst decays even faster when hot or burning

- Thirst decays slower when cold or freezing

- Thirst decays faster for elders

- Being seriously dehydrated can make your sims collapse

Also fixed the string tables.

100 Careers mega pack 50 MB

100 Careers mega pack

24 Mar 2022
7 350

Adds 100 custom careers to the game for your Sims. Wind and I have collected a pack of careers from different authors and translated them all for you. A lot of time was spent on translation, but it was worth it. This pack will be updated with new careers over time.

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