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More Storage: Medicine Cabinets  

Upload: 03 Sep 2022, 14:01
Created by: IlexSims
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
More Storage: Medicine Cabinets

I know a few other people have done medicine cabinet mods but none of them were exactly what I was looking for so I made my own.

This turns some bathroom mirrors and cabinets into storage chests. They share storage with one another and with other chests (unless you have a mod for that). The mirrored ones still have the essential mirror functionality as well as storage functionality.

And as always, because this is an override for EA items, if you have other mods overriding the cabinet objects it will conflict with those as well. This likely includes Private Practice now that that includes medicine cabinets.

  • Basegame Mirror Cabinets (3 versions)
  • Basegame Medicine Cabinet*
  • Cats & Dogs Mirror Cabinet
  • Dream Home Decorator Mirror Cabinets (2 versions)
  • Get to Work Hospital Cabinet
  • Parenthood Medicine Cabinet*

*These objects have bonus functionality if you have my Functional Lotion mod installed

UPDATE 8/31/22

  • Added HSY mirror interactions to mirrored medicine cabinets.
  • Updated the Storage Chest Medicine addon to include GTW serums. Actually I did this months ago but it looks like I totally forgot to post the update.
  • I realized that having Separate, Merged, and Merged by pack was probably confusing so I’m slowly updating all my mods to use a new structure.
  • Starting with v1.1 the Separate download has been discontinued.
  • Now there are two downloads: Merged and ByPack.
    - Merged contains all objects in one file.
    - ByPack contains a TUNING file and one file per pack. You can pick and choose the packs you have/want
    - Each download also contains a file explaining this.
  • Please delete your existing files and redownload one of the new zips because the renamed files won’t overwrite the old ones.


Both addons are technically optional if you just want to add the chest functionality to the cabinets. But if you want to make more things able to go in them see below:

  • Storage Chest Medicine: This makes a bunch of medicine and medicine-like bottles able to be placed in chests. This includes GTW medicine, OR herbalism potions, JA poison antidote, SV infection cures, and more. If you have other mods that override those objects' tuning you may get conflicts. You shouldn't need all the packs involved because it's just tuning, but if it gives you problems let me know.
  • Storage Chest Potions: This does the same thing but for ROM potions. I split it out because I thought it was the most likely stuff that people would already have overrides for.
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