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Multi-Purpose Furniture: Seating/Bookshelves

Multi-Purpose Furniture: Seating/Bookshelves

09 Jan 2023

This one was super tricky and I almost gave up on it before getting a request for it. But there's a trick to it. Each piece of furniture is actually two objects. I split the books from the seat and divided the original object cost between them (§50 for the books and the rest is the seat).

More Storage: Medicine Cabinets

More Storage: Medicine Cabinets

03 Sep 2022

This turns some bathroom mirrors and cabinets into storage chests. They share storage with one another and with other chests (unless you have a mod for that). The mirrored ones still have the essential mirror functionality as well as storage functionality.

Home Repair: Stained Walls

Home Repair: Stained Walls

01 Sep 2022

Why do you have to inspect them before cleaning them? Because that gives you the freedom to choose when they become cleanable. Otherwise your sims will go around doing it on their own when you might want it to stay messy for a bit.