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Multi-Purpose Furniture: Seating/Bookshelves  

Upload: 09 Jan 2023, 11:22
Created by: IlexSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Multi-Purpose Furniture: Seating/Bookshelves

This one was super tricky and I almost gave up on it before getting a request for it. But there's a trick to it. Each piece of furniture is actually two objects. I split the books from the seat and divided the original object cost between them (§50 for the books and the rest is the seat).

Ask Gender Preference

Ask Gender Preference

11 Jul 2022

Have you ever wanted to know in advance the sexual orientation of your character's interlocutor without dancing with a tambourine, cheat commands or debugging? With this mod, your character will be able to ask directly and get all the information they need.

Brawling mod v1.2

Brawling mod v1.2

13 Jul 2023
2 641

How about slapping the offender in the face? Or is the leg already reaching for his groin? Or maybe he can’t hold back a fist flying towards his face? In the embodiment of these desires, this mod will help you!

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