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Autonomous Weddings  

Upload: 02 May 2022, 10:18
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Autonomous Weddings

This mod will allow your Sims to get married on their own, using the arch or the interaction menu. Cutting the wedding cake after that should also happen autonomously. 

If you like it when Sims have a spark of life, the ability to make their own decisions without your participation, then this mod is completely suitable.

What you will find in this mod along with anything I may be currently working on:

  • Sims not eloping right after engagement
  • Sims not getting married at an arch after engagement
  • Sims can get married directly after engagement at Bloom Festivals
  • New Strings added, currently only in English
  • Polygamy
  • Autonomous
  • No job restrictions

This mod allows for weddings to take place autonomously by using a wedding arch or to elope. Cutting the wedding cake after the wedding should happen autonomously as well. I thought it was dumb that they didnt just go and cut the wedding cake after and that I always had to direct them to do so.

Since everyone plays differently I am asking for you to report back how it works in your game. Are they autonomously getting married? Not at all? Are your sims cutting the cake? Things like that so I can help improve this mod and make it better!

I created this mod because I like having more spontaneous things to happen in my game and to have more life and attitude with my sims. This mod also allows for more than one spouse. Use with my Autonomous Proposals to have more than one engagement!

Genetic Rewards

Genetic Rewards

02 Jul 2022
1 250

This is a mod to pass on store satisfaction rewards from a parent to offspring/ according to the parents' personality/ to assign the rewards randomly. You can choose which approach(es) you prefer.

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