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Decor with a Purpose: Functional Lotion  

Upload: 20 Mar 2022, 16:25
Created by: Ilex [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Decor with a Purpose: Functional Lotion

Much like my Functional Perfume and Cologne, your sims can now use lotion to get a custom buff.

Sims with itchiness buffs from various packs and mods should use it autonomously but tbh I'm not sure if that's broken or if my sims are just stubborn jerks. Let me know if catch your sims using this autonomously.

These are overrides of a EA items given custom tuning. It shouldn't conflict with anything unless you have something else that happens to modify this object specifically. In any case, please let me know if you have any problems with it.

  • Basegame Basket
  • Basegame Lotion Pump* NEW
  • Spa Day Oils Tray

*This is a cloned object and not an override

Update 3/6/22:

  • Added French translation from Vanessa Sims
Amazing Birth

Amazing Birth

24 Mar 2022

Sims that have recently given birth can enthuse about the event. The male parent can do the same. Sims can now enthuse about the event when they are newly engaged or just married. They can have a pleasant conversation with their friends instead of the get to know interaction.

Ogre Mod 352 KB

Ogre Mod

06 May 2022
1 791

The Ogre is a legendary monster usually depicted as a large, hideous, human-like creature that eats ordinary people, especially babies and children.

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