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Global Simdemic - Llama-19  

Upload: 06 May 2022, 07:06
Created by: CommodoreLezmo [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Global Simdemic - Llama-19

This MOD was not created to make fun of any past, present or future pandemics. The Sims 4 is a life simulation and all aspects of life, good and bad, have their place in the form of a Sim. I deliberately chose not to include complete sickness or death in this mod. Be safe, have courage and be kind to each other
 - CommodoreLezmo.

Attention! A new dangerous strain of the virus has emerged. Scientists at the Foxbury Institute have named the virus Llama-19, and the FutureSim lab is working on a vaccine. In the meantime, people around the world, from Willow Creek to Komorebi, are under pressure from the pandemic.
I think everyone understood that Llama-19 is COVID-19 in the words of the sims of the world.
Believe me, your characters will definitely not be bored, especially doctors.

This mod contains hidden global traits that will affect all sims around the world. Depending on age, this trait and its subsequent buff will affect Sims differently.

Komorebi is the epicenter of the pandemic, so be careful when you come there on vacation.

Depending on age, the disease and moodlets will affect differently. At first, everything will not be so scary, but then, when the characters are inactive, the following symptoms will appear:
- cough
- sneezing
- headache

There are also 2 traits for sites:
- for home
- for public
Being at home, your character will feel safe, because there will be no strangers around, and therefore no germs. Well, and on a public site, respectively, general tension will reign.

A full-fledged work of the mod is only in the presence of the "Go to work" addon.

Jealousy Slapping replaced with Fight

Jealousy Slapping replaced with Fight

10 Jul 2022
1 954

If the slap animation seems too cartoonish to you, the author created a mod to replace the slap with a fight. And, although the animation of the fight is also not very realistic, according to the author, the dust cloud at least helps to hide it.

No React To Strangers Death

No React To Strangers Death

25 Jun 2022
1 306

Your game characters will not react to the death of characters they have never met, as if it were the biggest tragedy in their lives. For death to elicit a reaction, your character will need to speak to the alleged dead at least once. Compatible with the Mortem mod from SimRealist.

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