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Custom Harvestable ChickPea  

Upload: 06 May 2022, 07:52
Created by: icemunmun [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Custom Harvestable ChickPea

Update 21.09.2020

  • Dutch Translations - Yuna_Vs
  • German Translations - Lornaria1 and Helene912
  • French Translations - Candyman
  • Spanish Translations - Geosims
  • Made compatible with Eco Pack ( Support for Fizzy Juicing - Will require additional Custom Fizzy Juices Mod)

Adds custom Chickpea to the game . This is a conversion of my Sims 3 custom harvestable.


------ Chickpea can be found under 'Misc Appliances' . [ Search for 'Chickpea' in the search bar for easy access]
------ Can be planted and harvested
------ Chickpea is tagged as Veggie , so can be eaten raw or used in recipes which require Veggies as a cooking ingredient.To be used for making Humus for Canning Station. Lots of custom recipes utilizing Chickpea to come! (Because I love ChickPeas)
------ Chickpea can be sold using City Living Craft sales table
------ Toddler compatible (aka toddlers can eat the harvestable, play with the plant)

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