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K-505 Terrain Mod  

Upload: 07 May 2022, 07:53
Created by: tech-hippie [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
K-505 Terrain Mod

Every since 2014, we winced at the default terrains in Sims 4. It lacks textures, dept, feels, contrast, colours … life. We fixed it. Below are the complete K Terrain Mod files. The basegame + expansion/game packs. 

– Basegame Grass Terrains Replacement

They override some of the game’s files. They replace every terrain files based game. Is it green? Is it grass? BAM! It’s k-hippied. No question asked

We couldn’t do it with that vomito green since the beginning. Grass, the real one. One you wish Pets was released so your little pets could happily roll in it 
You can feel the grass under your pixelated feet, don’t you? You can smell the fresh perfume of summer or spring … Grass to take over everywhere!

– Basegame Sand and Earth Terrains Replacement

All that is a bit sandy, a lot of sand or totally beach. We never thought there will be so many sands in that game when green is all over the place. With this replacement with thoughts for the players who like to play in Oasis Spring, or on the small island of Windenburg. You all deserve a real impression of sands, not just a vague beige colour.

– Basegame Rock Terrains Replacement

These files will change the look of all rocks that are terrains but not the one in Build mode. We will do them too on a later date ( but soon ) They will give a better look at all that is rock or cliff. The textures might be a bit stretch, we respected EA files of 1024×1024 but we are not quite pleased with the result. As always, it’s a work in progress …

– Basegame Urban Terrains Replacement

If vomito-green was too much for us, can you imagine how it felt to have those streets with some grass without our grass? Errr … it was terrifying but we found all of them. Good thing there were precursors! *Evil laugh* … 

– Seasons Replacement

Flowers for Spring, dying grass and leaves for Autumn, snow for Winter and nothing for Summer. Still, as plastic as before. As cartoon as ever. Obviously, we had to k-hippied the seasons. Except for Winter. Winter is fine.
Who would have thought? EAxis changed their method and instead of making as many files as needed for all worlds or to ship them all in the base game, they added 5 files and played with transparency. Also, they decided that duplicates would be a problem. Why?!
We tried to keep it as simple and as separate as possible

– Granite Falls Nature / Seasons Terrains Replacement ( Outdoor Retreat )
This one is obvious. All your camping grounds are now really good looking, no more hangover of the ground. Sing Kumbaya with marshmallows under the stars around a campfire, get a feel of Mother Nature’s refined textured grounds  As for Seasons, they are files for the changing of seasons and for Spring and Autumn, Summer is the default season.

– Get To Work Terrains Replacement ( Get To Work )
Even if Magnolia Promenade is heavily done with Basegame Terrains Replacement, some are needed. All Urban, Nature and Seasons files are merged into 1 package, it won’t affect your game if you don’t have Seasons but Get to Work.

– Get Together Terrains Replacement ( Get Together )
All of nature replacement for Get Together are in here

– Windenburg Nature / Urban / Seasons Terrains Replacement ( Get Together )
Our sims went to Windenburg and brought with them the secrets of nice textures. They applied their knowledge and are now living on the island to chase the aquatic monster. This is specifically to cover all of Windenburg’s need, there is a lot of files just for this place, it needed its own package. As for Seasons, they are files for the changing of seasons and for Spring and Autumn, Summer is the default season.

– Forgotten Hollow Terrains Replacement ( Vampires )
We have a fond spot for this city. Foggy and tiny. It was in dire need of new textures not only for grass but for streets and that strange mix of rock and grass. You’ll see a nicer blend. And something more old-looking ;D Since Forgotten Hollow is so small, all Urban, Nature and Seasons files are merged into 1 package, it won’t affect your game if you don’t have Seasons but have Vampires.

– Brindleton Bay Nature / Urban / Seasons Terrains Replacement ( Cats & Dogs )
Your pixelated feet have grass. Now pixelated paws can benefit from it too  Brindleton Bay Nature Terrains Replacement will take care of grass, rock, sand and earth paths. Urban Terrains Replacement will take care of the streets and sidewalks. As for Seasons, they are files for the changing of seasons and for Spring and Autumn, Summer is the default season.

– Selvadorada Nature Terrains Replacement ( Jungle Adventure ) 
Don’t fear to trip on those roots anymore! Don’t mistake them for green pipelines anymore! Roots, where they belong, rooted in the grounds. Stepping stones, now worn out by time and heavy mountains worn out by waterfalls. Don’t be blinded by the sun on the grass like it was sun on the snow anymore, see the grass in the lush jungle. Since Nature is so vivid in Selvadorada, at least you can see it from now on 

– Del Sol Valley Terrains Replacement ( Get Famous ) 
You might get famous and earned that pixelated grass but in the meantime, your not-famous Sim deserves some me-time on a good and comfy grass too

– StrangerVille Terrains Replacement ( StrangerVille ) 
WIP in progress because, loyal to the city name, some grass is strange and won’t be pixelated as request … But StrangeVille is done at 95%, rocks, grass and desert are correctly displayed and not strange. Suppose it would be really strange to live in a plastic world.

– Sulani Terrains Replacement ( Island Living ) 
Sun and surf sand everywhere and also … a lot of volcanic rocks. The road is not volcanic anymore but more akin to a dirt road expected of a tropical island. The volcanic rocks have hard rock feels AND cutting edges, as any respectable volcanic rocks have. Of course, the beach is now populated with real sand. Obviously. The world is now less black and more chill.

– Glimmerbrook Terrains Replacement ( Realm of Magic ) 
Forgotten village in the middle of pine forest is no reason to have yellow grass, bad roads and cutting rocks in the cute river. Also, it’s not because the secret magic village is in complete ruins that it never had glory. Better grass, better rocks, better dust, better pavement. Better everything. Bettering everything just by magic

– Bristechester Terrains Replacement ( Discover University ) 
As a pedestrian town, lying in the grass to study or contemplate the void of your future is an important activity, deserving the best comfortable grass available. Our gardeners have secrets of the trade that won’t be shared here – sorry!

– Evergreen Harbor Terrains Replacement ( EcoLifestyle ) 
A strange town with full potential for an ecotopia or a dystopia. In either way, metal is not plastic anymore, stone is not safety first and the stone quarry is back to its real nature.

– Batuu Terrains Replacement ( StarWars: Journey to Batuu ) 
How can a Resistance camp, a First Order station and the Cantina be so pristine? Well they can’t. That’s the whole point of these files. To scratch a bit over here, give some life over there and sprinkle oomph all over the place. Damn, since when is the StarWars universe in plastic?

– Mont Komorebi Terrains Replacement ( Snowy Escape ) 
OK, this is a zen place. Well, it depends on at which height sure, but still. For more zen, for peace of mind, calm and mindfulness. Since a mountain tends to … tumble down boulders and rocks, we changed them all. Beware of sharp edges now

– Henford-on-Bagley Terrains Replacement ( Cottage Living ) 
Now old chap’, England is 10 century old, there is no way this little village can have that look. Yeah, even the labyrinth back in the country or the bridge rebuild post-SimWar. We like old stones chap, deal with it.

Install Instructions

  1. Download the 7z and extract
  2. Take the Basegame files AND Seasons files ( IF you have Seasons ) in your Mod folder
  3. Take each and every file for the Expansion/Game Pack that you have in your Mod folder
  4. Optional: put all files in 1 folder inside your Mod folder for easy reference
  5. Play. Have fun. Tag us
Pro Build 3 - Mod 5 MB

Pro Build 3 - Mod

17 Apr 2022
1 433

This mod expands your options in the arrangement of sites, adding many new features. Unlimited roof heights that allow you to create your own multi-story buildings, increased roof slopes, roofs with built-in windows, new building blocks, unlimited placement of mannequins on the lot.

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