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Therapist Career  

Upload: 07 May 2022, 08:36
Created by: Azaryxe [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Therapist Career

Therapist Career with 5 different paths: Social Worker, Life Coach, Marriage Counsellor, Psychologist and Psychiatrist. Install all files (3) in your mods folder to add this new career to your game.

Available Languages
Russian by AnnieHugss: Download

Homework Tweaks

Homework Tweaks

01 May 2022
1 809

Teens/Children will complete their homework in about 10, 25, or 50 minutes depending on which one you choose. Default is about 100 minutes.

No Bits/Pieces for Candles

No Bits/Pieces for Candles

04 Jul 2022

This removes the Bits & Pieces Bucks requirement for the making candles interaction and the recipes themselves so you no longer have to collect or recycle for them. I didn't change anything else, so the candle making will function like normal, just without the bucks.

Custom Food Objects 524 KB

Custom Food Objects

20 Apr 2022
1 071

With this mod, several cooking objects will be added to the game: a spice shelf, a tablet, a pot with kitchen utensils and a stack of cookbooks. Each of them can be used separately for cooking custom dishes. Be sure to install a refrigerator with a stove for cooking nearby!

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