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No Bits/Pieces for Candles  

Upload: 04 Jul 2022, 13:36
Created by: MizoreYukii
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No Bits/Pieces for Candles

This removes the Bits & Pieces Bucks requirement for the making candles interaction and the recipes themselves so you no longer have to collect or recycle for them. I didn't change anything else, so the candle making will function like normal, just without the bucks.

This is an override file and will conflict with any other mod that touches the same files (files shown in second image above).

Tiny Mod: Shared Trait Social Impact

Tiny Mod: Shared Trait Social Impact

27 Jul 2022

This override mod makes most Friendly, Funny and Romantic interactions more likely to fail between Sims with conflicting traits/preferences, and more likely to succeed for Sims with shared traits/preferences. It complements PreferencesPlus but that mod is NOT required to use this one.

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