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Servo Cheats - Max Your Servo's Enhancement Level or Turn it Human  

Upload: 07 May 2022, 11:28
Created by: SweeneyTodd [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Servo Cheats - Max Your Servo's Enhancement Level or Turn it Human

Requires the XML Injector

A quick Pie Menu I put together to aid me in the creation of a 'Humanized Servo' mod, I thought I would upload it as I feel others may find it useful.

Essentially, it allows you to max a Servo's enhancement level or turn it human. The options can be found by clicking on your active Sim and looking for the 'Servo Cheats' button in their Pie Menu.

You can use this mod to change a human into a Servo, however, their head will appear under the mask if they are using certain make-ups or skin details (however these can be removed via use of the 'cas.fulleditmode' cheat. By default, only Young Adult Sims can turn into Servos and only if they do not have any traits that conflict with the main Servo trait. I have included a button that removes all conflicting traits should you still want to 'convert' them regardless of the stated issues, as well as an optional package that overrides the main Servo trait to allow it to be applied to Teens, Adults, and Elders.



30 Jun 2022
1 607

- bgc - custom icons - default non-default blend files - all ages, genders, races - work with additional nail colors - compatible with HQ

Criminal Career Fix

Criminal Career Fix

22 Mar 2022
1 145

Tweaks the criminal career to make it easier to detect a criminal. The criminal can now be identified by special idle animations he/she performs. Also, no more hidden decoy Sims will be created that lead to false convictions (and afterwards fill your save with unneeded, ugly Sims).

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