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More Spell is Fun 

Upload: 14 May 2022, 07:16
Created by: Zulf Ferdiana
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
More Spell is Fun

- Spellbook Injector
- Merman Simmer Studio

New spells and curses
- Spell "Nutritional Need";
- Spell "Steel Bladder";
- Curse "Fart and burp";
- Curse "Incontinence";
- Curse "Loss of vigor";
- Curse "Attack of Vampire Bats";
- Curse "Attack of electric fireflies";
- Curse "Attack of poisonous bees";
- Curse "Attack of Giant Spiders";
- Curse "Poisoned Dart";
- Curse "Toadification";
- Curse "Clownification".

Use the bb.showhiddenobjects cheat to find the book.
Rank 5 is required to learn spells.

I made a common spell for sims 4, this is a spell from sims 3 like hunger spell, toad curse and bladder curse. and a natural danger spell that causes the sim to attack, such as lightning beetle, fire beetle, spider, blood bat, and jungle bee. You need a jungle adventure for this natural danger spell available in your game. using lightning bug and fire bug is very dangerous, sim will get into fire and be electrocuted.

List of my custom spells
- Charm of Hunger (Full restores the hunger bar, can be used on someone or on yourself)
- Bladder charm (Fully restores the scale of the toilet, can be used on someone or on yourself)
- Bubble Curse (Makes another Sim piss)
- Curse of Toads (Sim turns into a toad for 15 hours with an embarrassed buff, if the spell fails, the caster becomes a toad themselves)
- Lightning Bug Attack Spell (Causing another Sim an electric shock, failing to cast this spell will backfire on your Sim.)
- Fire Insect Attack Spell (Will make another sim attacked by a fire fly, failing this spell will backfire on your sim.)
- Spider attack spell (Another sim will be attacked by a spider, a failed casting of this spell will backfire on your sim.)
- Blood Bat Attack Spell (Bats attack another Sim, casting this spell unsuccessfully will backfire on your Sim.)
- Jungle Bee (The bee is attacking another Sim, failing to cast this spell will backfire on your Sim.)
- Energy Curse (By causing a Sim to lose their energy with loss of consciousness, a failed cast of this spell will backfire on your Sim.)
- Tragic Clown Spell (Inspired by The Sims 3, another Sim's face becomes a tragic clown and gets a 10+ 3 hour sad buff. If the spell fails, the caster turns into a clown.)
- Poison Dart Spell (This spell is very dangerous, causing the target to be poisoned by a temple dart, failing to cast this spell will backfire on your Sim.)

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