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IL - Kiss Of Life / Ondine's Curse  

Upload: 18 May 2022, 11:42
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
IL - Kiss Of Life / Ondine's Curse

Requires the XML Injector and Death Interactions 

"With every waking breath you promised to love me, and now your breath shall be yours only as long as you're awake."

Mermaids are immortal. In every lore, Mermaids do not age. The first thing this mod does is disabling aging for all the Mermaids over the teen stage, exactly like vampires.

Mermaids can give away their immortality to a human they love:

Kiss Of Life

The first power this mod adds is The Kiss Of Life

This power can be used on a Sim the Mermaid has a romance with (no Merfolks), after the First Kiss, and has two different effects depending on who is used on:

- On normal sims, it reset the aging progress for the current stage, the Mermaid loses their immortality. 

- On Vampires, it cures Vampirism. The Mermaid loses their immortality.

Kiss of Life cannot be used twice on a Sim, or if the Sim has the Ondine's Curse active

Polish translation by astercholik: Download

Autonomous First Kiss! 9.7 KB

Autonomous First Kiss!

17 Apr 2022

This interaction used to be with my Autonomous Proposals however, when I was going through updating for the Cats and Dogs patch, I realized this isn't even a proposal to start with and that it should be here instead!

Better Blackmail Payouts

Better Blackmail Payouts

25 Dec 2023

Why should there just be a single flat rate for blackmailing Sims over their secrets? This mod makes things a bit more interesting, with random payouts from a range that scales with the target's net worth. Nancy better watch her back!

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