All Traits In Reward Store (29.08.2024)
Have you ever felt that the rewards store is too limited and would be great to see in it, say, bonus traits, character values, or even lifestyle traits? After all, you see, it would be very convenient. And the accumulated points will be where to spend!

Afterlife Career - Be the Reaper
Welcome to a whole new " Reaping " job are you bored on your day to day living routine you want to experience afterlife when you go to work? or you want something different in your life be a reaper today and enjoy benefits, original death is planning its retirement and now its up to you

Werewolf Bloodlines
Like Vampires, Werewolves can increase their numbers not only by having children, but also by biting others once they have the prerequisite ability to do so.

Ask to Invite Family Member Interaction
Have you ever wished you could meet the kids, parents, siblings or pets of your Sim's friends more easily? With this mod you can invite them to hangout even if you have never met them before.