Perfect Patio Open Layered Shirt Fix
When Perfect Patio first released there were no issues with this asset but somewhere along the line The Sims Team chose to update the alpha mask of the textures in a way which meant that the shirt colour now bleeds onto the Sim's neck.

Hero Career! My Hero Academia career path
Once you become a student, you will have the opportunity to choose which industry to intern in. Once you have chosen, you cannot choose again, so choose wisely!

Rebalanced Townie Generation for Sulani, Mt Kmoroebi and San Myshuno
This mod addresses an issue experienced by players with Snowy Escape , City Living and/or Island Living where all worlds would gradually get overpopulated with sims having Japanese, Moroccan, Islander and Indian names.

Get Famous - No React In Disgust
I reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy hate "React in Disgust". All Celebrities often have this autonomy when other Sims and Pets are around them Whether they are household or strangers. So, I changed all Values and killed