Vampire Bloodlines
In spite of it showing up as a search suggestion, I couldn’t actually find a pre-existing mod for Vampire Bloodlines in the style of Spellcaster bloodlines.

Insults & Arguments Pack
This mod adds new insult and argument social interactions for your Sims. All interactions are set to *not* be performed autonomously, and they decrease relationships.

Retail~Hire Who Ever!
Have you ever spent a lot of time on an employee to raise their skills and then you choose to sell that store and buy a different one only to find out you can't rehire the employee you worked so hard on? Well this mod will remove that restriction.

Clinical Depression Trait
This trait can be difficult to play but that is the point because depression, especially clinical depression, is difficult to live with in real life as well. I hope this trait will give people who don’t suffer from this ailment first-hand some better perspective and a little more respect for those