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Clinical Depression Trait  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 17:16
Created by: simularity [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Clinical Depression Trait

What is clinical depression? According to the Mayo Clinic it is as follows:

Depression ranges in seriousness from mild, temporary episodes of sadness to severe, persistent depression. Clinical depression is the more-severe form of depression, also known as major depression or major depressive disorder. It isn’t the same as depression caused by a loss, such as the death of a loved one, or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder. Symptoms are usually severe enough to cause noticeable problems in relationships with others or in day-to-day activities, such as work, school or social activities.

This trait can be difficult to play but that is the point because depression, especially clinical depression, is difficult to live with in real life as well. I hope this trait will give people who don’t suffer from this ailment first-hand some better perspective and a little more respect for those that do. 

Here are the features currently included in this trait mod:

  • Various degrees of depression will affect your Sim at different times, randomly
  • Non-sadness related random buffs that are related to clinical depression also happen
  • Depressed Sims tire more easily and need to sleep more often
  • Includes various depression related whims that can help alleviate sadness or help with needs
  • Increases autonomy of various actions that depression can cause depressed people to do (things like take naps often and try to self-medicate with drinks)
  • More easily make social missteps when depressed
  • For Children to Elders
  • Now includes a separate “Reward Trait” version. (Don’t apply both trait versions at once on the same Sim!!)
Allow Toddlers Go To Services

Allow Toddlers Go To Services

23 Mar 2022

Allows toddlers to go to Services. Note: If the whole family leaves the lot to go to Services, you will however be required to call a babysitter despite your toddler actually not being at home.

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