Dog Walker & Dog Jogger
Hire a Dog Walker/Jogger if you don’t have time to go for a Walk/Jog. Via the Phone (Household Menu) you are now able to hire a Dog Walker or a Dog Jogger.
Plopsy Seller Part-Time Job
My first part-time job mod and my first job mod with work from home options! The idea of the Plopsy Seller Part-Time Job is to help you earn a small regular income while you knit, list, ship, and sell your homemade creations like you were going to do anyway but now you’re employed!
Royal Family Mod (01.03.2024)
Your character will have a new career if he is a member of the royal family. To properly activate this career, you should only use the work from home option, because the rabbit hole is contrary to the title.
Icey's Social Interactions
This massive mod expands the number of message options that your character can receive on the phone from their friends for a variety of events in their lives - a new relationship, engagement, pregnancy, childbirth, promotion, etc.