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New Skin Overlays Complete 2.0  

Upload: 06 Jun 2022, 11:28
Created by: PsBoss [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
New Skin Overlays Complete 2.0

COMPLETE VERSION. New 14 Skin Overlays: Light, Medium & Dark Skin.

Drag and Drop "...package" into the following directory:
Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods 

Cherished Moments - Pregnancy 61 KB

Cherished Moments - Pregnancy NSFW

31 Mar 2022
3 168

Ever wanted more realistic depth to pregnancy? By default, the game comes with very little to make pregnancy special. So I've created over 15+ different Moodlets that can occur during appropriate & realistic pregnancy trimesters.

Harpsichord Skill 69.62 MB

Harpsichord Skill NSFW

09 May 2023

This new mod adds a harpsichord skill, with custom like and dislike, and the ability to write and license songs! Your Sims can now learn Sonatas, Preludes and Fugues, Suites, or other Short Pieces.

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