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Everything Else  

Upload: 07 Jun 2022, 13:29
Created by: kuttoe [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Everything Else

No Off-The-Grid Notification

This mod removes the notification that was added in the Eco Lifestyle patch that you get whenever you enter a lot with the Off-The-Grid lot trait. This can get annoying if you frequently travel between lots and it can quickly fill up your notification wall.

Social Availability Fix

When you click on another Sim, the game uses several tests to check what social interactions should appear in the menu. For some reason, one of these tests appears to be slightly broken when checking the Friendly relationship. Sims with a relationship between 25 and 60 get the maximum bonus, while very good friends with a relationship between 60 and 100 get no bonus at all. 

This meant that certain interactions with a high "availability" requirement would show up for acquaintances but disappear when the Sims became good friends. In my game and others', this meant that interactions like "Ask to Turn (into a Vampire)" and "Share Secret" were not available to good friends.

This fix alters the the test so that regular friends get a small bonus and good friends get the maximum bonus, and thus returns the social interactions to their proper place.

Espresso Fix

(Requires Get Together)

This is a fix for a long-standing bug that my friend mangoninja told me about. Sims who order the espresso "For Here" at cafes or drink them in their own home would get a small boost of Energy but would not get the moodlet they were supposed to. It appears that these drinks were checking the wrong drinking interaction and wouldn't give the moodlet to Sims unless they were seated. This mod changes it so drinking coffee in any posture setting will give Sims the correct moodlet.

Mascots What Are You Doing

(Requires Discover University)

This is a fix for an issue with some university events where mascots are supposed to be present. They are supposed to walk around and eventually make their way to the stadium, but unfortunately their spawn point is also set at the stadium so instead they despawn immediately. If you hover the camera near the stadium, you could see the mascots flicker in and out of existence many times during the course of the event. This mod changes the spawning behavior of mascots in four different situations so they start off in a better place and spend time in the world before exiting.

No Crying in Beer Pong

(Requires Discover University)

This is a mod to deal with a minor annoyance I have with beer (or "juice") pong. When a Sim misses a shot or loses the game, they will take a moment to sob. This puts a damper on the mood of the party, and really no one should take beer pong that seriously. This mods changes it so the Sim will just sigh and act a bit frustrated instead of getting tears in their cup.

Check Neighborhood Updates

This a simple script mod that adds the new "Check Recent Neighborhood Stories" notifications to the "Check Social Media Timeline" interaction. This works on the phone, computer, and even the smart glasses from Discover University. 

If you have TwistedMexi's Story Progression Viewer mod installed, it will display his custom notification window instead.

Pets Everywhere

(Requires Cats & Dogs)

This is a script mod that adds Dog Walkers and/or Strays to other worlds besides Brindleton Bay without removing any existing walkbys or NPCs from those regions. Incidentally, I've also included a bug fix that makes it so Dog Walkers are far less likely to get stuck at the spawn points.

Install the main ts4script file, and then one or both package files to add Dog Walkers and Strays as you please. 

Ultimate Dancer Career 1.21 MB

Ultimate Dancer Career

03 Jul 2022
1 406

From ballet and hip hop, to modern and tap, the world is literally at your feet when it comes to careers in dance. But, it’s not just about busting some moves, cutting some shapes or delicately performing an arabesque.

Weather Control Spell (Climatio)

Weather Control Spell (Climatio)

10 Jul 2022

A mod that adds a weather spell to your mages! This is a spell from the School of Practical Magic. Casters can learn it by reading the Tome of Climate, available for purchase at magic shops for $155, defeating a magic duel, asking a Sage Practitioner to teach you a spell, or by practicing magic

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